Let’s Talk in English 大家說英語 – August 2019

(Romina) #1

Conversation B
Tina: What other parks have you been to?
James: I’ve visited two parks that are
outside the U.S.
Tina: Which ones?
James: I visited Kruger National Park in
South Africa.
Tina: Did you see any elephants there?
James: Yes! Kruger is home to 12,000
Tina: What other park did you visit?
James: I visited Wulingyuan. I saw amazing
landscapes with mountains, water
and caves.
Tina: Wow! I want to go there.

Kruger is home to 12,000 elephants.
A is home to B A B
A B Kruger

  • The island is home to 300 cats

  • The university is home to 2 500 international

Useful Tip


  1. Why is it impossible to choose the
    best national park?

  2. What are some natural places that
    you would like to see?

Key Words
attract (v) [/:tr,kt]
The popular store attracts many people.
visitor (n) [:vIzIt-]
Many visitors stay at this hotel.
national (adj) [:n,{/n/l]
Is this a national newspaper?
wonder (n) [:w<nd-]
The world is full of wonders.
proud (adj) [praUd]
-DFNLVYHU\proud of his sister.
impossible (adj) [Im:pAs/b/l]
marvelous (adj) [:mArv/l/s]
We had a marvelous day.
elephant (n) [:El/f/nt]
cave (n) [kev]
in person (idiom) [In][:p=s/n]
I saw the famous singer in person.
More Information
nowhere (adv) [:no;wEr]
preserve (v) [prI:z=v]
geyser (n) [:gaIz-]
Use It!
We should also...
We should also study over the weekend.
We should also ask Brian to come over.
Write your own!

I’ve... that...
I’ve stayed at a hotel that is on the beach.
I’ve eaten at the restaurant that is down the street.
Write your own!

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