Let’s Talk in English 大家說英語 – August 2019

(Romina) #1
Look for the answers to this month's questions on page 74.

Sleep gives you 1 for the day. But how
much sleep do you need? 2 need seven
to nine hours of sleep each night. Teens need
more. They need eight to 10 hours of sleep
every night. If you don’t get enough sleep,
you won’t be healthy. Sleep also 3 your
memory. Your brain is working while you
sleep. It processes information from the day.
The light from your phone, 4 or TV
can keep you 5. Turn them off an hour
or two before bedtime. When it’s time to
sleep, your room should be dark, cool and
quiet. That may help you sleep better.

Reporters write __6__ and stories for the
paper. Newspaper reporters must tell the
truth when they write articles. People need
to know the __7__ so they can decide about
things for themselves. Reporters also work
stories and report them on the air. They need
to speak and communicate well.
questions. They ask many people the same
questions to make sure their information
is true. They also think about their __9__.
What is it that people need to know about
something? Reporters report on __10__
events when they happen. That may be at
night or on the weekends. They have to be
ready at any time.

  1. A. energy B. choice
    C. purse D. wonder

  2. A. boxes B. grades
    C. caves D. adults

  3. A. affects B. attracts
    C. shares D. repeats

  4. A. chair B. drink
    C. tablet D. sight

  5. A. major B. awake
    C. friendly D. several
    6. A. dislikes B. visitors
    C. troubles D. articles
    7. A. twins B. facts
    C. boxes D. beds
    8. A. stations B. tablets
    C. subjects D. purposes
    9. A. modern B. language
    C. wonder D. audience
    10. A. empty B. plain
    C. major D. proud

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