Advanced 彭蒙惠英語 – 八月 2019

(Frankie) #1

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on the margin(s) (phr) 邊緣地帶,非關鍵主體,因此影響
微薄 the outer edge of something; existing outside the main
part of something, such as a situation or group, therefore
having very little influence on it
ramification (n) [;r,m/fI:ke{/n] 可能讓事情更加棘手的
後果 a consequence of an action, which could make an
issue more difficult to deal with

Specialized Terms

megamerger (n) [:mEg/:m=d}-] 超級併購
franchise (n) [:fr,n;t{aIz] 系列電影
Mouse House (n) 迪士尼公司
CFRA (Center for Financial Research and Analysis) (abbr)
cord-cutting (n) [kOrd:k<tI?] 剪線;取消訂閱有線電視服務

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“Obviously, it’s an industry-changing
event,” said Adam Aron, CEO of AMC
Entertainment. “But we think it’s an event
that will be good for consumers, good for theaters
and good for movie makers.”
Privately, industry executives caution against
wishful thinking. Some theaters worry that the number
of movies released theatrically will shrink dramatically.
Disney focuses almost exclusively on expensive
productions that draw huge global audiences, and
Fox’s more midlevel films may be scrapped.
Then there’s the looming specter of Disney+,
which will feature original Disney content that
bypasses theaters.

A blow for Netflix?
Disney is about to mount a serious challenge to
Netflix’s streaming dominance with the launch of
Disney+. The service will include movies and shows
from five brands: Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars
and Fox’s National Geographic.
Analysts say Disney’s entry into the streaming
wars could slow Netflix’s growth. Disney is also
pulling its movies from Netflix.
But Netflix executives insist they’re not worried.
“We compete so broadly with all of these different
providers that any one provider entering only makes
a difference on the margin,” said Netflix CEO
Reed Hastings.

Making agencies sweat
The consolidation of the studios will also have
ramifications for talent agencies. Having five
major film companies instead of six—and fewer
theatrical films in the industry—means Disney will
be able to extract better deal terms from talent
agencies trying to get their filmmaker and actor

clients jobs in its shows and movies, industry
executives said.
But agencies are taking solace that overall job
opportunities for talent
are increasing because
of growing players such
as Netflix, Amazon and
Apple looking to buy
shows and movies for
their platforms.

Cord-cutters rejoice
The likely long-term effect [of the Disney-
Fox merger] will be a quickening of the pace of
cord-cutting in the U.S., analysts say. The
growth of Netflix and the arrival of Disney+ and
WarnerMedia’s streaming service will give
consumers more ways to avoid traditional TV
packages, which are already in decline.

Vocabulary Focus

© Cambridge University
Press 2008
grapple with (something) (phr v) to try to deal with or
understand a difficult problem or subject
unprecedented (adj) [<n:prEsI;dEntId] never having
happened or existed in the past
fork over/up (something) (phr v) to give something,
especially money to someone, especially when you do not
want to
specter (n) [:spEkt-] the idea of something unpleasant that
might happen in the future
make (somebody) sweat (idiom) (informal) to make
someone wait nervously
solace (n) [:sAlIs] help and comfort when you are feeling sad
or worried









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