Advanced 彭蒙惠英語 – 八月 2019

(Frankie) #1

Dealing with negative self-talk
If you’re anything like me at times, when low confidence arrives,
the likelihood of negative self-talk rises. As my negative self-talk
rises, my attitude plummets, which then leads to inaction toward
my goals. This simply culminates in a negative feedback loop.

hen it comes to achieving difficult goals
and pushing yourself for continual growth,
confidence is a necessary tool. However, confidence
is something that can easily disappear from your
daily mode of operations.
Here are two things that have helped me bounce
back from setbacks and mistakes.

  1. Identify the root of the problem
    As soon as a mistake or issue arises, take the
    time to properly diagnose the root cause before it
    grows. For example, if you’re low in the confidence
    department due to falling short of a quarterly
    financial goal or fitness goal, seek out the root cause.
    Perhaps you came up short on your financial
    goal because you didn’t engage in enough sales
    conversations. Maybe the fitness goal came up short
    due to a lack of organization with your meals.
    Whatever the case, an easy way to consistently
    identify challenges is to adopt a habit where you
    write down one to two things that are bothering you
    or proving difficult at the moment.

  2. Practice aggressive patience
    Aggressive patience is simply having the
    discipline to take [daily], consistent action on
    activities despite not getting the result (i.e. delaying
    immediate gratification).
    Confidence is lost often times due to a lack of focus
    because the results aren’t coming as fast as desired.
    Your goal may be to climb to the top of the
    mountain, but the focus has to lie within the
    execution of each step along the way since they
    ultimately determine if you’ll get to the top.
    Celebrate and acknowledge each small victory
    along the way to stay mentally engaged.
    Confidence predominantly revolves around
    your perspective. Setbacks and mistakes aren’t
    indicators of failures. Instead, they’re simply
    valuable lessons that
    can serve you in the
    future as you continue
    to grow and evolve in
    both business and life.


Tweaking your daily routine could
boost confidence
u by Julian Hayes II / © 2019, Mansueto Ventures, LLC.
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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2019 SEPTEMBER 13, 14



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