Advanced 彭蒙惠英語 – 八月 2019

(Frankie) #1
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Questions to ask yourself before
sending a résumé
u by Todd Nordstrom / © 2019, Mansueto Ventures LLC.
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

t seems like simple advice: Find a job you love
and you’ll never work another day of your life.
For many of you, that statement makes perfect sense
because you truly are happy at work. But for other
people, your optimism about finding that perfect
gig has been shattered. Every job began with, “This
might be the one,” and ended with either “It’s okay”
or [something] worse.
If you’re in this second category, you’re not alone.
A lot of people hate their jobs. There’s no joy, no
purpose and no excitement.
Are all workplaces really that bad, or could it be
that you’re choosing jobs for the wrong reasons?

Ask yourself these questions:

(^) Are you simply escaping your
current situation?
While there’s nothing worse than being unhappy
in any relationship, don’t rush into another bad
relationship. Consider all the things you don’t like
about your current situation and make sure you’re not
applying to a situation that is the same or even worse.
Do you actually like what you do?
Ask yourself how you’d really like to spend your
days. If the answer is something opposite of what
you’re doing, seek a new career.
Does your future path lead in the^
right direction?
Prestige and position might feel important, but
if you’re no longer doing what you love to do, you
might be making a wrong move.
What impact does the salary have on
your life?
A new company may offer you more dollars. But,
you need to consider how much that increase in pay
will truly change your life, especially if your time and
energy are consumed by something less desirable
than what you do today.
Do you connect with the
company’s values?
Don’t be willing to sell certain aspects of yourself
for a short-term gain. Find out if the organization
shares your values.
Where can you offer the most value?
Find the place where your skills, talents,
personality and knowledge create the most value for
the organization, and all of the rest will follow.
Right perspective
It’s easy to assume the grass is greener on
the other side of the fence. But, the grass is
always the greenest when you go into any job with
your own water, seed and sunshine.


2019 SEPTEMBER 16 –18
Topic Talks

Keys that could help you have a more
fulfilling career

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