Advanced 彭蒙惠英語 – 八月 2019

(Frankie) #1
© (X10)

acking for a vacation can be such an exciting
experience—sometimes so exciting we forget to
put the essentials in our bag. These things vary for
everyone, but here are a few necessities that I don’t
leave for the airport without:

Neck pillow
A neck pillow is something I never
board a plane without. A comfortable
neck pillow can ensure you catch a
little shuteye during a flight without
your head bobbing around causing
you to wake up with a sore neck.

Having a few of your favorite
bites while traveling can ensure
you don’t go hungry. You never
know what type of snacks will
be passed out on the plane or
if you’ll have time to grab something before
you board.
Try to avoid foods that are messy or
ones that can get crushed easily
since you’ll most likely
have them packed in
your bag.

Disinfectant wipes
We all know the number
of germs that lurk around on
airplanes. Bringing disinfectant
wipes can help keep your immune system strong
while traveling. Have a small pack handy to give
your headrest, armrests and tray table a quick wipe
down. Throwing in a small tube of hand sanitizer
isn’t a bad idea either.

Water bottle
It’s important to stay hydrated
during the flight. I always pack an
empty water bottle in my carry-on
when traveling on a plane. This
way I can fill it up after I go through security.

Certain planes will have a
screen for watching movies or
playing games, but it’s always a
good idea to pack a few of your
own devices. Laptops, iPads and
phones work great for [watching] movies and shows.
Remember to bring a pair of headphones so you
don’t disrupt your neighbors.


Must-haves for traveling on a plane
u by Codie Liermann / © 2019, Travelpulse. Distributed by Tribune
Content Agency, LLC.


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2019 SEPTEMBER 27, 28


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