Advanced 彭蒙惠英語 – 八月 2019

(Frankie) #1

Specialized Terms

bookworm (n) [:bUk;w=m] 書蟲,書癡
disinfectant (adj) [;dIsIn:fEkt/nt] 消毒的;殺菌的
across the pond (idiom) 大西洋彼岸
puppeteering (n) [;p<pI:tIrI?] 演木偶戲

The stories of Jack London, Glen Ellen, California
Channel the adventuresome spirit of one of the planet’s most
inspired writers as you explore more than 26 miles of hiking,
horseback and cycling trails across 1,400 acres in the stunning
Sonoma Valley. Visit the stone barn and the home where
London wrote his page-turners. The
author of The Call of the Wild and White
Fang was laid to rest on this landscape
that nurtured his creativity and drive. It
is now a National Historic Landmark.

good book can transport us to magical
places and encourage exploration. Here
[are] examples that may inspire your travels.

A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
A century ago, a Canadian soldier launched a
literary legacy when he adopted a black bear cub
and named it after his hometown of Winnipeg.
The soldier took the cub
across the pond and
eventually donated it to the
London Zoo, where Winnie
became the inspiration for
the well-loved character.
Today, Winnipeg’s Pavilion
Gallery Museum houses
a permanent collection of
Winnie-the-Pooh artifacts
and memorabilia, including a painting by the
book’s original illustrator.

Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women,
Concord, Massachusetts
Today we can visit the
home of this novelist who
crafted a compelling story
around the relationships
within her own family.
You’ll take a guided tour
and get a glimpse into
how the Marche family
lived in the home known
as Orchard House. Many of the family’s treasures
remain in the well-preserved structure, including
family china and photographs. You’ll find out
why the Alcotts kept daily diaries and visit
Louisa’s bedroom where the shelf desk, upon
which she wrote Little Women, still remains.

Vocabulary Focus

© Cambridge University
Press 2008
shuteye (n) [:{<t;aI] sleep
bob (v) [bAb] to move quickly in a particular direction
lurk (v) [l=k] (of an unpleasant feeling or quality) to
exist although it is not always noticeable
memorabilia (pl n) [;mEm/r/:bIli/] objects that are
collected because they are connected with a person or
event which is thought to be very interesting
tome (n) [tom] a large, heavy book
centerpiece (n) [:sEnt-;pis] the most important or
attractive part or feature of something
top (something) off (phr v) to finish something in an
enjoyable or successful way

Book a trip to some
page-turning venues
u by Lynn O’Rourke Hayes / © 2019,
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Where the Wild Things Are
Why not use this popular and creative
tome as the centerpiece of a wild and
wonderful weekend with the kids? Read
Maurice Sendak’s book, then visit your local
zoo or wildlife park, or walk through a nearby
forest and discuss the adventures of young
Max, the main character.
Top off the weekend by streaming
the Spike Jonze movie of the same name.
The whole family will enjoy the mix of
real actors, computer animation and live
puppeteering, the combination of which
brings the story to life.






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