2019-09-01 Martha Stewart Living

(Ben Green) #1


How can I safely let my cat
get some fresh air?
—Tristan Sandman, West Hollywood, Calif.
Giving Lucy exposure to the great outdoors
is a nice idea, but it can increase her risk of
injury and disease, and endanger local birds.
A better alternative: Create comfy hangouts
in sunny spots around your home—and give
her a view of the outside world—by install-
ing cat perches near windows. (For one DIY
idea, go to marthastewart.com/catperch.)
In mild weather, open windows with secure
screens to invite a breeze. If you’re up for a
bit of construction, consider a “catio” (aka
cat patio), suggests Karen Kraus, exec utive
director of the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon,
in Portland: “It’s an enclosure connected
to your house that shields a cat from dangers,
while allowing her to move in and out.”
Small versions are like window boxes, while
larger ones resemble screened porches with
levels for playing. (Visit marthastewart.com/
catios to learn more.) To preempt problems
should your feline escape her catio, ensure
she’s neutered, vaccinated, collared, and
microchipped, says Kraus.



To entertain an indoor cat, set up a bird
feeder in your yard, suggests Purina
animal-behavior scientist Jean-François
Savard. Place it at least 30 feet from
a window to prevent collisions. Your
winged visitors will stay safe, and
your kitty’s predatory instincts will be
pleasantly (not frustratingly) stimulated.
—Brought to you by Purina�


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