Scuba Diving – September 2019

(Brent) #1

Many photographers use
their phones for photos out
of the water rather than larg-
er systems. If you fall in this
camp, take the time to refa-
miliarize yourself with your
camera gear before diving in
again. Nobody gets to dive
as much as they would like,
so why waste the fi rst day or
two of a one-week liveaboard
trip remembering how it all
works, when you could have
unpacked it and become fa-
miliar again at home.
The teaching students
often fi nd most useful isn’t
something brand new but a
reminder of techniques that
they’ve tried in the past.
Help yourself prepare for
your next trip by thinking
about the types of shots you
want to produce, then read-
ing up on those techniques
before you go.



An attraction of joining work-
shop trips is to learn directly
from a photographer whose
work you admire. The good
teachers won’t hold back
and will share the locations,
techniques and thought pro-
cess behind their celebrated
shots, giving a huge boost
both to your own images
and your understanding. If
there is a downside to this
openness, however, it is that
students can risk becom-
ing photographic doppelgän-
gers. We can be so infl uenced
by their way of thinking that
we seek out the same spots,

award-winning shoot-
er who dives all over
the world, has a Ph.D.
in marine ecology.

same subjects and use the
same techniques—producing
only photo copies.
Beginners naturally want
to replicate their favorite
photos as they develop, but
as their skills grow they must
evolve from imitation to in-
spiration. Every photographer
I know—including myself
and the biggest names in the
business—are infl uenced by
the work of others. However,
with experience we learn not
to copy but to identify what
appeals and incorporate
ideas in our own way. It’s the
difference between learning
a cover on the guitar and
writing music yourself.
Since the advent of digi-
tal cameras, we all take far
more underwater photos
than we will ever have time
to process or show to any-
one. This makes the process
of culling a catalogue one of

the most critical in modern
photography, and it is where
many go wrong. All photog-
raphers take good, bad, ugly
and—hopefully, from time to
time—amazing photos.
A major differentiator in
the reputations of photogra-
phers is not what they shoot,
but what they choose to
show. If you share 50 shots
online from your last trip—47
of which are good and three
of which are excellent—your
friends and followers will
think you are good.
If you share just those
three, the world will think
you’re an excellent photog-
rapher. Where most of us fall
down is in realizing which
ones are the excellent three!
Emotional attachment to
certain shots is usually our
undoing. Photographers tend
to love the shots that were
hard to take, came from a

I shot many photos of this
barracuda school; most
are very nice, but I choose
only to show this special
frame where the school
formed the number six.

particularly memorable dive
or are of a dream subject. Yet
none of that matters much
to anyone else. I always run
my workshops without any
kind of end-of-trip competi-
tion and encourage everyone
to be open—to show other
photographers their imag-
es and discover which ones
resonate with other people.
Lightroom has simple tools
for highlighting your best
pictures with colors or stars,
which helps photographers
focus on their best work. Af-
ter a dive, I immediately give
everything with potential one
star; a few days later, when I
have more images from other
dives, I revisit the one stars
and elevate the best of them
to two stars. Then after the
trip, when I’m emotionally
detached from the shooting
experience, I revisit the two
stars and promote the fi nest
to three stars.
Finally, when I have time to
process some, I bring up only
the three stars and mark just
a few as four stars to work
on. Five stars is reserved
for something ultraspecial.
When I'm really lucky, I’ll
mark a shot as fi ve stars
right after shooting it!
Computer time is far less
fun than diving, so focus your
workfl ow on identifying the
best images and don’t waste
time worrying if a shot is a
one- or two-star image be-
cause either way, you’ll never
get around to processing it!
Remember that the harder
you edit your work, the better
your photography will appear.
But don’t decide on your very
best images immediately,
when your emotions are still
infl uenced by the experience
of taking them.
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