vintage pieces create personality as
they have a story,’ says Poppy. ‘You
know they’ve lived a life before you.’
Poppy’s dusky pink bedroom was
a wish fulfilled. ‘All I ever wanted was
a pink bedroom, but James wasn’t
convinced,’ she says. ‘Now he loves
the pink because it’s so calming and
cocoon-like in the winter. Or so
he pretends.’
In the bathroom, statement green
walls make the marble his and hers
sinks and brass accessories pop. The
kitchen, meanwhile, has a modern feel,
with white shutters framing a simple
breakfast table.
‘My home is quite eclectic. There
are parts that are totally modern with
clean lines and simplicity, then others
that are cosy and sumptuous,’ she
explains. ‘Don’t be afraid of clashing
colours and prints, it only brings
vividness to your space!’
Poppy and James’s home wasn’t
always so lavish, though. When the
couple bought it after tying the knot in
black to be
added here
black to be
added here
The bathroom is a
statement green to
showcase the marble sinks