Diva UK – September 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1



New York




Fireflies light up the rolling
Galena countryside

myself, I’ve been in the restaurant in-
dustry for 30 years – from dishwasher
to management. I fought Angela tooth
and nail over doing the catering and
private chef business for years, but in
the end, it turned out to be the most
challenging but lucrative area in the
industry. Now, we both love the chal-
lenge of pulling off events. There’s an
incredible rush in “making shit hap-
pen”. You really have to defy all logic
to make the magic – we’re adrenaline
junkies, both of us.

You cater weddings, too. Do you spe-
cialise in LGBTQI-friendly events?
We have catered several LGBTQI
receptions and all of them came to us
because they knew we were “friend-
ly”, but we never felt we needed to
advertise that we are an LGBTQI-
friendly business. I mean, hello, we’re
hardly shy or demure! Over the last 21
years, we’ve made it our goal to be our
authentic selves and assume most
people know we’re a couple. If you’re
uncomfortable with that, move along.
Saying that, we’re always a little extra
emotional when we are part of an
LGBTQI event. It’s a special gift to be
able to celebrate our community’s
freedom to be.

What’s been the best “experience”
that you’ve curated over the years?
Honestly? We create a custom experi-
ence for every client. The planning
starts out as Life’s A Feast, but by the
time we leave, our clients have be-
come our friends and it’s Angela and

Carolyn who say goodnight – usually
with hugs! We’ve forged more friend-
ships through our business than most
would in a lifetime.

How do Galenians party?
Galenians love to celebrate! There’s a
phrase here, coined by a good friend
of ours, “Find your fun”. From goat
yoga [No, really!] to wineries, histori-
cal homes to farm-to-table dinners,
and handcrafted bourbons and beers
to kayaking, skiing and zip-lining –
there’s always something happening!

Would you say people are more fo-
cused on experiences when it comes
to travelling nowadays?
Gone are the days of working a
nine-to-five job for 40 years and then
retiring. People are much more flexible
and have the ability to work anywhere.
Millennials have played a huge part
in this, I think, as they generally can’t
afford big houses and “stuff” to fill
them with. Instead, they live in smaller
spaces and seek places like Galena for
experiences. They find more value in
living life now than saving for “some
day”, as perhaps their parents did.

What do you love most about living
in Galena?
The rolling hills and bluffs that
shape the topography of the area are
stunning. Dotted with small farming
towns and down-home diners, it re-
minds us of northern California – ex-
cept green with fields of corn, wheat,
soy and wine. Eagles soar, falcons and

hawks hunt, deer roam and the fish-
ing is great. The area is just filled with
good people, it feels like home.

Give us your top tips for visiting.
Tourists should plan on spending
at least three or four days here, as
it’s the perfect base to get to many
of the activities in the [surrounding]
states (Iowa and Wisconsin). It’s also
the gateway to the west – you can be
standing in front of Mount Rushmore
in six hours. Oh, and consider renting
a home in the territory. It gives you
a lot more flexibility and you can
prepare your own meals. Plus, many
have hot tubs!

Is Galena a good place to be lez/bi?
There’s not a “gay scene” here, though

it has long been considered “Gaylena”
by the community in Chicago!
Galenians really don’t care, as long as
you’re kind and respectful. We live in
a town of 700 people, in a farming
community that is very reserved,
religious and conservative. And yet, if
we ever need anything, we know we
can count on our neighbours. There
are several LGBTQI couples living in
the area and none of us feel uncom-
fortable in the greater community.

[The town] has long been

considered ‘Gaylena’ by

the community in Chicago”

For more, visit lifesafeastllc.com or, if you’re thinking of planning a trip to
Galena, Illinois, check out enjoyillinois.co.uk/amazingforall #amazingforall



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