Scale Aviation Modeller International – September 2019

(Elle) #1

did my best, and they certainly
gave a representative look of a
complicated modern aircraft
seatbelt arrangement. The
cockpit interior was initially
primed in black and layered in
grey colour over that. I ind this
helps to give a bit of depth and
shadow to the paintwork. No
need to weather this one too
much, NASA cockpits are quite
tidy. The kit is supplied with
raised details in the cockpit
that you can paint yourself,
but also a full set of cockpit
panel and instrument decals is
available. I applied the decals
over the raised details and used
Micro Sol to shrink the decals
onto the raised details. After all
the decals were added they were
coated with a light spray of
Matt from an artist brand spray
can. Some light weathering was
then applied around the cockpit
using some lat Aluminium dry
brushing, and some Tamiya
panel line washes, applied
delicately in places I wanted it.
The fuselage halves contain
only the landing gear wheel
wells and cockpit, so this
was a pretty quick afair. The
nose wheel housing required
a little sanding to allow the

fuselage halves to meet. The
cockpit I secured with Blue-Tac
instead of glue. This allowed
me to move it a bit if required.
I decided the fuselage halves
would secure it suiciently, and
the Blu-Tac would therefore
act as a bit of a counterweight
to avoid it ‘tail sitting’. As I
intended to build the model
with the canopies opened, the
cockpit area now needed to
be masked of, and this took
about an hour or so to do.
The it of the fuselage
halves was good, except
for underneath the cockpit

area. I was not able to close
this gap in a couple of spots.
So, while the rest of the
fuselage required just sanding
seams and polishing, this
area received a lot of illing,
sanding, polishing, and a
little rescribing. The engine
intakes also needed quite a bit
of smoothing and sanding,
but they look nice once done.
Following that I painted the
exhaust sections of the aircraft.
These were irst painted in
Tamiya Gloss Black, followed
by Vallejo Metal Colour Steel.
The nozzles had some extra

treatment with Vallejo Metal
Colour Burnt Iron, with a Black
and Brown Tamiya panel line
wash, plus a little blue and
light grey pastel highlights.
All the exhaust parts were
then sealed in with a light
coat of Tamiya Smoke.

Finally, it was time to begin
painting the livery. After a rub
down with Isopropyl Alcohol,
I began this task with a coat of
Tamiya Fine White Primer from
the spray can. This provided a

KIT TYPE: Injection moulded plastic





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