The Boston Globe - 02.09.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 The Boston Globe C11

For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to

For more information on today’s conditions, call the
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site

Eastern Massachusetts air quality

50 100 150 200 300


Allergies Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Trees Weeds Grass Mold

Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.

Absent Moderate Low N.A.

Small craft advisory
Gale warningStorm warning

●Travel delays possible,CClouds,FFog,HHaze,IIce,PcPartly Cloudy,RRain,ShShowers,SSun,SnSnow,FlFlurries,TThunderstorms,WWindy

Boston’s forecast

Temperatures are
today’s highs
and tonight’s lows.

Mount Washington


Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.

New England marine forecast
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp


Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow

Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions

TODAY:A disturbance will bring a soaking rain to the
majority of northern New England. Southern areas will see
thunderstorms by the afternoon.
TOMORROW:While there can be a lingering
shower on Cape Cod in the morning, the region will
EXTENDED:The heat and humidity will
return on Wednesday ahead of a robust cold
front. Strong thunderstorms are possible
ahead of this front.

New England forecast

Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.

High tides
Old Orchard ME 1:36 2:05
Beach NH 1:50 2:19
Plum Island 2:01 2:27
Ipswich 1:35 2:04

Gloucester 1:47 2:15
Marblehead 1:47 2:15
Lynn 1:47 2:16
Scituate 1:47 2:14
Plymouth 1:55 2:21
Cape Cod
Canal East 1:38 2:04
Cape Cod
Canal West 12:39
Falmouth 1:31 1:59

Hyannis Port 2:47 3:14
Chatham 2:42 3:07
Wellfleet 2:01 2:29
Provincetown 1:54 2:21
Harbor 2:55 3:22
Oak Bluffs 2:18 2:47
New Bedford 10:5511:18
Newport RI 10:4811:11

Boston high 1:47 2:15
Height 11.8 11.5
Boston low 8:00 8:26
Height -1.4 -1.3

Weather Mostly sunny
Visibility 80 miles
Wind west-southwest at 8 m.p.h.
High/low temperature 47/36
Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0”

(5 p.m. yesterday)

Yesterday’s high/low 72°/62°
Sunrise 6:10 a.m.
Sunset 7:17 p.m.
Moonrise 9:52 a.m.

24 Hr. Precipitation
Yesterday 0.00”
Precip days in September 0

Month to date 0.00”
Norm. month to date 0.10”

Year to date 34.33”
Norm. year to date 28.72”

(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)

Forecasts and graphics provided byAccuWeather, Inc.©2019

Boston Harbor S 7-14 kts. 1-2 ft. 76/66
East Cape
Cod Canal S 5-10 kts. 1-2 ft. 76/65
Buzzards Bay S 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 75/65

Vineyard S 6-12 kts. 1-3 ft. 75/65
Nantucket SE 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 73/63
Provincetown S 7-14 kts. 1-2 ft. 74/62

Atlanta 91/72 Pc 93/72 S
Atlantic City 83/67 T 82/68 S
Charlotte 89/67 Pc 90/68 S
Chicago 81/67 Pc 85/60 T
Dallas 95/73 S 95/73 S
Denver 99/62 S 86/62 S
Detroit 80/62 Pc 83/60 Pc
Fort Myers 89/78 T 89/79 T

Los Angeles 91/71 S 90/70 S
Miami 88/78 R 89/78 T
New Orleans 92/78 T 95/77 S
New York City 79/66 T 80/69 S
Philadelphia 83/68 T 84/70 S
Phoenix 106/87 T 110/86 T
Salt Lake City 98/73 Pc 92/71 Pc
San Francisco 77/61 Pc 75/60 Pc

Seattle 79/60 S 78/59 S
Washington 87/70 Pc 86/71 S
Beijing 94/64 Pc 94/64 S
Cancun 87/76 T 89/78 Pc
Mexico City 78/52 T 76/55 T
Montreal 71/54 R 70/61 Pc
Toronto 75/57 Sh 74/63 C
Vancouver 72/58 S 71/57 Pc

Jerusalem 87/65 S 84/66 S
London 71/55 Pc 73/58 Pc
Moscow 74/56 Pc 74/55 Pc
Paris 73/52 Pc 75/54 S
Rome 84/67 T 85/64 T
San Juan 89/79 Pc 89/78 Pc
Stockholm 66/49 Pc 63/50 Sh
Tokyo 87/76 Pc 85/74 Pc



6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Feeling nice across the
area with sunshine and a
few clouds; comfortable
temperatures. Pleasant
conditions will persist into the
overnight hours.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Breezy and feeling very
warm and more humid
with times of clouds and
sun. Showers and thun-
derstorms developing late. It will
dry out overnight.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Cooler and more com-
fortable with times of
clouds and sunshine.
Remaining dry, cool
and nice into the nighttime, but
clouds will thicken overnight.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Cloudy and potentially
windy with Dorian pass-
ing by offshore. A little
rain will develop in the
afternoon. Remaining cloudy and
windy overnight.






6 A.M. NOON 6P.M.

Mainly cloudy with a few
showers and thunder-
storms developing in the
afternoon and continuing
into the evening. Drier air will
filter in overnight.




Every month I go to Birmingham for dinner and a fun
bridge game with old friends and teammates. I always find
deals worth writing about.
In today’s deal, North’s double of two clubs was “sup-
port,” showing three cards in spades. A raise to two spades
would have shown four-card support. (A pass would have
denied three spades.) South went to two spades, passed out.
West led a diamond, and declarer won in dummy and
tried a trump to his king, ducked. West won the next trump
with the ace and shifted to the king of hearts, winning, and
a second heart.
South took dummy’s ace and led a club to his nine. West
won with the queen, and with the club spots in his favor,
he got two more clubs and another trump. Down one. Two
clubs doubled, had South been inspired to pass, would have
failed also.
I am no fan of “support doubles.” They don’t describe the
doubler’s hand accurately and make it harder to penalize
an indiscreet overcall. But such is “progress” in modern

DAILY QUESTIONYou hold:♠ 764 ♥♥AJ53♦♦AKQ4
♣10 3. You open one diamond, and your partner bids one
spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER:This problem is stressful. You cannot bid two
hearts, which would be a strength-showing “reverse.” A
raise to two spades would be fine, but not with the actual
spade support. A 1NT bid with 10-3 in clubs is unappeal-
ing. I would accept either 1NT or two spades, not liking
either call.



West East
♥♥ ♥♥
♦♦ ♦♦



North dealer — N-S vulnerable

10 3


10 5


North East South West
1 ♦♦ Pass 1♠ 2 ♣
Dbl Pass 2♠ All Pass
Opening lead —♦♦ 9



3246 5 8 791

587 9 4 1 236
1 547 3 6 829
2 3 8 149 5 6 7
7 6 9 5 8 2 3 1 4
73849 5 1 2 6
5 21684 7 9 3
9 1 2 637 4 5 8
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
computer program at
2 1 7
8 3 71
6 1 3
4 2 86
1 8 3
3 9 4 8 5
Sept. 2, 2019:
This year, you can be precise, to-
tive. Depending on which facet of
your personality you manifest,
you will get different responses. If
single, your multi-faceted person-
ality could confuse someone you
date. You need someone who ac-
cepts you as you are. If attached,
your sweetie will respond accord-
ingly. However, you could get
some strong feedback. Base your
decision on reality but do not give
up on a dream. LIBRA tends to
appeal to your softer side.
ARIES(March 21-April 19)
You feel pressured all day. You
need to allow another party to
take the lead. Let this person
know that you support his or her
present endeavor. Give this person
the support needed to function
well. You feel lucky as the day ag-
es. Tonight: Accept an avant-garde
TAURUS(April 20-May 20)
Others seek you out for various
reasons. For some of you, a mutu-
al project could be involved. For
others, someone might want to
touch base. Note how actively one
person might be looking for you.
Tonight: Play it by ear.
GEMINI(May 21-June 20)
Many people might judge that you
are deeply involved in an impor-
tant project. What might be occu-
pying you with so much intensity
is really only your business. Try to
take a walk to relax. Tonight: Re-
turn calls first.
CANCER(June 21-July 22)
Reach out for someone who often
intrigues you. For some of you,
this person could be a flirtation or
a loved one. Express your creativi-
ty to the max. You might want to
extend an invitation to a friend or
loved one. Tonight: Know when to
call it a night.
LEO(July 23-Aug. 22)
Be aware that staying close to
home might work for you, but it
could also cause those who gener-
ally see you during the week to
feel that they are lacking some-
thing. You might have indirectly
made the impact you wanted to.
Tonight: Visiting with a younger
VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You are likely to say what you
want and express your feelings as
well. Someone who often is
around you appreciates your shar-
ing. He or she lets you know how
much your attention is appreciat-
ed. Tonight: Head home early.
LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your playfulness and fun ways will
make an impression on others.
You might have noticed a sense of
possessiveness that runs between
you and another person. You are
full of energy. Tonight: Getting to-
gether with a friend.
SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Your intensity touches many peo-
ple and draws various reactions.
Some people are drawn to you as
if you were a magnet, and they
cannot get away from your intense
magnetism. Others might run as
they might be fearful of your cha-
risma. Tonight: Do some shopping
on the way home.
SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You might want to pull back and
say less. You could find a boss or
authority figure demanding and
respond in a challenging manner.
Is this an automatic response or a
chosen one? Make sure you are
not on automatic. Tonight: Head
home and do your thing.
CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You enjoy the limelight, yet you do
not appreciate all the demands
and responsibilities. If you want
to change this situation, think
carefully. You are a sign that needs
to be appreciated and respected.
Tonight: Check out a new spot.
AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You will say what you want and do
what you desire. People often ad-
mire your courage to be authentic.
Reach out for someone at a dis-
tance who you enjoy speaking to.
This person also has nuggets of in-
formation that he or she drops on
you. Tonight: Whatever you are
doing, you are doing it at 100%.
PISCES(Feb. 19-March 20)
Discussion surrounds serious
matters. As a result, everyone in-
volved is vested in the outcome.
Finding the right way to deal with
the issue at hand could take a
while. Reach out for advice. To-
night: Treat your mind to some
Jacqueline Bigar is at http://www.jac-
(c) 2019 by King Features Syndi-
cate Inc.

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