Men’s Fitness UK – October 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1


From £120,

A portable pebble to help you squeeze
in an isometric-based strength workout
wherever you can find enough room to
swing a resistance band. The partner
app features 100 seated and standing
training drills, with video guides for each
move and pressure sensors that measure
up to 90kg of muscle force. There’s a
neat gamification spin, too, whereby the
pressure you exert controls a counter on
the screen and matching the curve makes
for the optimal training effect.


Swinging the bell has become a staple
of bootcamp-style fitness sessions for
its ability to boost aerobic capacity, build
core strength and enhance dynamic
balance. But the technique can be tricky
to master. JaxJox aims to make that
much easier with this space-saving
smart kettlebell that packs six selectable
weights from 5kg to 19kg. Motion sensors
inside not only track reps, sets and power,
but let you follow guided workouts on
your phone, tracking stats as you go. 


Free (Zwift Run Pod, £29.99),

Running on the treadmill is sometimes a
necessary evil. But Zwift Running can take at
least some of the monotony out of spinning
your legs on the hamster mat. A spin-off
from the hugely popular virtual cycling
platform, Zwift’s more recent running setup
transforms your time on the rubber road to
nowhere into something a whole lot more
social, gamified and fun. 
Set-up is simple, though you will need
a treadmill, a compatible footpod to track
your mileage, and a screen – the bigger, the
better, though TV, smartphone or tablet all
work. The footpod tracks your strides and
propels your avatar along the virtual road of
either Wattopia, London or, you guessed it,
an active volcano. You can also follow simple
structured training plans, pair a heart-
rate monitor for added stats, and take on
challenges and organised group runs. 


As well as a serious cardio workout,
skipping is a form of brain training, aiding
both hand-eye coordination and mental
sharpness. But jumping rope endlessly
and aimlessly isn’t all that inspiring.
SmartRope puts a motivational twist on
your fast-foot sessions using embedded
LEDs and the motion of the rope to display
your skip stats in real-time, in the air in
front of you. You can track sessions, set
daily targets, compete with friends and
take on guided interval workouts.

Motivation H H H H H
Challenge H H H H H
Workouts H H H H H
Coaching H H H H H

Motivation H H H H H
Challenge H H H H H
Workouts H H H H H
Coaching H H H H H

Motivation H H H H H
Challenge H H H H H
Workouts H H H H H
Coaching H H H H H

Motivation H H H H H
Challenge H H H H H
Workouts H H H H H
Coaching H H H H H

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