Men’s Fitness UK – October 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1


“I’ve been running with the Clean Air Club for over
a month now and love the vibe,” says 42-year-old Alan
Li, a seasoned runner with some serious pedigree (he’s
completed both the Marathon des Sables and the UTMB,
two of the toughest and most prestigious races in the
world). “Every runner is supportive of each other and,
unlike in a lot running clubs or crews, there aren’t any
cliques – it’s nice and welcoming.”
With the aid of the app, Li’s also been given greater
insight into the safety of his regular runs. “I’m more
wary of the timing and the quality of air on the routes
I use,” he says. “Each run is scored by a percentage –
100 per cent being the cleanest. So far, my runs have
all been above 80 per cent since using the app, but
once I have a reading below 80 per cent I will seek
an alternative route.”

 e club’s coach, James Poole, is no stranger to the realities
of inner-city running, and he’s convinced clean air clubs
are the way forward. “I don’t think you need to be an
experienced runner to notice the di erence in air quality,”
he says. “ ere are a few spots in the city, like on the Euston
Road, where you can literally taste the sulphur in the air. It’s
pretty unpleasant and I try my best to avoid these areas as
much as I can.
“London is fortunate to have a vibrant running culture,
and it’s possible to run with dozens of di erent groups across
the capital. However, the Tenzing Clean Air Run Club is the
only one that is actually educating people on how and where
to train. I like to think we’re creating not just better runners,
but smarter ones, too.”
Backed by both science and glowing reviews, London-

“ ere are a few spots in

London, like on the Euston

Road, where you can literally

taste the sulphur in the air”

Above: masked
runners take to the
streets for the fi rst
ever Tenzing Clean
Air Run Club
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