The Week Junior UK – 24 August 2019

(Brent) #1

24 August 2019•The Week Junior

The brains behind

the Fortnitechampions


hen the first everFortniteWorld Cupwasheld
in NewYork, US, in July,itw asn’t just the
winners who hadareason tocelebrate. In the UK,
19-year-old Hugh Gilmourwasproud because he had
coachedeach of the top threecompetitors in the solo
tournament. Gilmour used to playcompetitively,but
he decided to focus on helping other gamers improve
their skills instead. He nowcomes up with strategies
to boostcompetitors’chances of winning.Even
though some of those hecoached won millions of
pounds, Gilmour onlyrece ived an agreed fee of £
MARC LANGLEYfrom each player he worked with.





Adream come true


obbie Phillips has become the first British person
to complete one of the toughest challenges inrock
climbing. Known as the AlpineTrilogy,the challenge
consists of three climbs on mountains in Austria,
Germany and Switzerland, which Phillipscompleted
over thecourse of four years. He very nearly didn’t
complete the finalroute in Austria because of bad
weather.Only four other people areknown to have
conquered all three of theextremely difficult climbs,
which arenicknamed The SilverVulture, The End Of
Silenceand The Emperor’sNew Clothes. Phillips, from
Edinburgh, toldTheTimesnewspaper he had
dreamed about doing this sincehewas 15.“I never
feared for my life, butIoften feltreally intimidated
by the climbs,”hesaid.


Hugh Gilmour(right)
helpedKyle Giersdorf win.


or someonewho used to be afraid of flying,
Sacha Dench is now quite good at it. Known
as the human swan, in 2016 Dench flew
alongside Bewick’sswans as they made their
yearly 4,300-mile migration from Russia to the
UK. Birdmigrations areregular movements of
birds from one part of the world to another.
Dench isabiologist from Australia who
worksfor the Wildfowl andWetlandsTrust
(WWT) in the UK. The WWT is an organisation
that conserves wetlands for birds and animals
(wetlands areareas of land that arevery soggy
or covered by shallowwater.) Dench embarked
on the flight to find out wh
population of Bewick’sswa
wasfalling. Shewasable to
fly alongside the birds than
to aflying machinecalled
aparamotor,which is made
up ofaparachute and a
propellor engine that is
strapped to the pilot’sback.
Dench first tried outaparamotor in

an attempt to defeat her fear of flying, which
started after shewascaught inastorm during
aflight in the Caribbean.
Now,the human swan is preparing to take
to the skies again to follow the flight of
ospreys. Ospreys arebirds of prey that used to
be extinct in many places, including the UK, but
have been successfullyreintroduced. She plans
to follow the ospreys’migration from Scotland
to Ghana, in Africa. The journey isexpected to
cover 6,200 miles and go through 15countries,
and will help us understand the threats ospreys
ple candotohelp them.
As she did on her last trip,
ench will stop off and speak
people along theway. She
s her lastexpedition
taught her that“thereisn othing
likeshowing up and talking to
local people, to help learn what
the problemsreally are, but also to
come up withaplan”.Her adventure
begins in autumn 2020.

Human swangets

readyto take flight



In her pr

career as a


ench onc

eheld her

forsix minutes
and 22

“I’d just like
to make
it illegal to
watch it on
Andrew Davies, who
based on classic novels,
says his showscan’t
be fully appreciated
whenwatched on
small screens.



ceandwhat op


The paramotor.

Robbie Phillips

Sacha Dench
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