The Week Junior UK – 24 August 2019

(Brent) #1

Utrecht,the Netherlands
Biggest bi ke park openstot he public
The world’slargest multi-storey bicycle-parkingfacility
has opened in the city of Utrecht, in the Netherlands. It has
room for 12,500 bikes on three floors.Alocal official said
it would help makethe cityaparadise for cyclists. Studies
show that although thereare morebikes than people in the
Netherlands, 60% of trips to work aremade inacar.Itis
hope k.

Pleucadeuc, France
Double vi sion attwin festival
On 15 August, around 1,500 people attended the annual
festival for twins, triplets and quadruplets in Pleucadeuc,
in north-west France. Alain Launay started the festival 25
years ago so his daughterscould meet other twins. This
year,visitors shared their stories. One pair said they had
exchanged the same birthday presents one year by accident.

Crowdhonours melt ed glacier
Around 100 people, including Iceland’sprime
minister,have attendedafuneral for Okjokull,
amelted glacier.The glacierwasaround 700
years old but it disappeared in 2014. It is
thought to be the first in Iceland to be lost to
climate change–the long-term change to the
world’sweather patternscaused by human
activities.Aplaque asksfuturevisitors whether
enoughwasdone to stop climate change.

Texas, US
Hundredsofg ueststurnupfor funeral
Around 700 people turned up to the funeral ofawoman who
died inashooting attack in ElPaso,inthe US state ofTexas.
Margie Reckardwas one of 22 people who died when a
gunman targetedasupermarket on3August. Her husband,
Antonio Basco, hadn’texpected many people tocome to
her funeral because they didn’t haveabig family.However,
hundreds travelled from across the US to go to theceremony
after hearing about it on social media.

Around the world




The Week Junior•24 August 2019



Pompeii, Italy
Magicalobjects found
Acollection of items from Roman times,
including gems, beads and good-luck
charms, have been found in the ancient
city ofPompeii, in Italy.Archaeologists
(people who dig up and study evidence
of past human activity) made the find
while investigatingaRoman house.
The team think that many of the objects
could have been used in rituals and
spells. In AD79,Pompeiiwascovered
in ash whenanearby volcano erupted.
Much of the citywaspreserved in the
ash and, asaresult, many important
discoveries about the Romans have
been made there.


Some of the
discovered objects.
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