The Week Junior UK – 24 August 2019

(Brent) #1
Nowthat you’veread abit moreabout it,tell us whatyouthink by voting in our
poll uk/polls.VoteYESif youthink studentsshould choose
the books they study,orNOif youdon’t.We’ll publish theresultsnextweek.




he number of students in England taking English
literature(the study of literature) atAlevel has
fallen from 41,000 to 37,500 this year,according to
the OfficeofQualifications and Examinations
Regulation. English languageAlevel (the study of
how language works) dropped from around 18,000 in
2018 to under 14,000. Some teachers say that new
English GCSEs aretoblame. They say that theexams
arenolonger encouragingalove ofreading and are
too focused onrequiring students to memorise long
passages of text. One assistant headteacher said,
“GCSE English language is sucking the joy”out of the
subject. Some students have suggested that one
solution might be to allow pupils to choose which
booksthey study forAlevel. Do you agree?

Yes–pupils should choose what to study
By th etimepupil sreach Alevel they areold enough
to know what theywant to read, so they should be
trusted to decide what booksthey study.Ifs tudents
aren’t enjoyingatext, it’ smorelikely that they won’t
concentrate as hardduring lessons or perform as well
in exams, or they might not takethe subject in the
first place. Besides, many of the texts set forAlevel
arevery old, and some students might think they are
no longerrelevant to their lives.Forexample, one
author frequently studied atAlevel, Geoffrey Chaucer,
wrote his worksmorethan 600 years ago.The decline
in students taking English is serious–but perhaps
giving pupils the freedom to choose what they study
would see moreyoung people takeupthe subject.

No –pupil sshoul dstudy thesametexts
Studying English literatureisachancetodiscover
stories and poems you wouldn’t otherwiseread –or
even have heardof. Reading different books, some
of which arechallenging, benefits students by
introducing them to somethingcompletely different.
Alevel English literatureisagreat chancetor ead
some of the most important worksever written, and
agood teachercanbring any book to life,regardless
of how old or challenging it is. Other subjects, like
physics or chemistry,donot allow students to choose
which theories orexperiments they study;why should
English be different? Besides, it would be difficult for
teachers andexaminers to mark students’work if
they all studied different texts.

●The number of pupils in the UK choosing
to takeEnglish atAlevel has dropped
by 13%. Thereare worries that the new
style of English GCSE is putting students
off the subject.
●Some teachers have criticised the new
English GCSEs, which wereintroduced in

  1. They say English language GCSE
    has too much analysis of historical texts,
    and the English literatureGCSE involves
    memorising lots of text. One teacher
    said,“English has been made less fun.”
    ●One suggestion to encourage more
    students tocontinue the subject at
    Alevel is to let pupils choose the books
    and poems they study.


The number of pupils studying English
at Alevel has dropped thisyear.

Last week, we asked if you thought
remakes of old films were
unnecessary.Most of
you say that if a
story isagood
one, then
reason itcan’t
be retold.


It might encourage morestudents to take
English GCSE andAlevel if they areallowed
to choose which texts they study.


Students will be able to choose booksthat are
morerelevant to their lives,rather than books
that werewrittencenturies ago.


Why limit the texts studentscanstudy when
thereare so many booksint he world?


Students should be challenged toread
different booksbecause that will introduce
them to new authors and ideas.


In other subjects, pupils do not get to choose
what they study.English is no different.


Not everyone will be able to agree on the
same book, so it will be difficultforthe
teachers andexaminers to mark their work.

Threereasons why studentsshould
choose which books they study

Threereasons why studentsshould
not choose which books they study






ordfor the longest

time spent

reading aloud is


hours and 15 minutes. It


byDeepak Sharma Bajagain
from Nepal, who

read from 17

different books in

20 08.


Thebig debate

The Week Junior•24 August 2019

The aim of the Big debatepage isto present two sides of an issuefairly and
objectively,ino rder to stimulatediscussion and allow ourreadersto makeuptheir
minds. The views on the page do notreflect those ofThe Week Junior,and the page
is no tfundedby thirdparties. The page is createdinassociation
with the English-Speaking Union, an educational charity helping
young people discovertheir voiceand realise their full
potential.Formoreinformation, please see
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