Organic NZ – September 2019

(Romina) #1

Advocate • Connect September/October 2019 37

Health and Food


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Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. P9599. See
for registration conditions.


Fast acting control
of a broad range
of weeds

Does not
contain glyphosate

Created from
natural plant
derived fatty acid

Remains inactive
in soil – won’t harm
neighbouring plants

Available in ready to use and a
large range of concentrate sizes


on people and the environment from exposure to toxic chemicals.
The majority of us would favour a precautionary approach, so
there appears fundamentally to be only one obstacle to these safe
methods being adopted across the country: cost.  
While it has been accepted that in Auckland transitioning
councils would pay a premium to protect human health (40%
in 1999 Auckland), it may no longer be the case that there is
nothing cheaper than glyphosate. Today, hot water and hot foam
(and possibly steam) for integrated roadside treatment can match

Procurement policies for our health and safety
But procurement policies need to change. Full weed and vegetation
control contracts should be let to specialist contractors who can
tender in an open market. Subsuming weed control into full
maintenance contracts, with every contractor and subcontractor
taking a cut, results in unworkable margins or increased costs. 
Here in Auckland, it has come to light that an accepted hot
water tender was cheaper than the chemical one – over five years
ago. Why did Auckland Transport keep this secret? The contractor
is now offering to do any direct urban chemical contract for the
same price, only non-chemically.  
Our experience is that there is always misinformation out there
when chemicals like glyphosate are at risk. They have been, and
are, defended to the hilt. Before you start organising anything, read
our ‘History and Timeline of Auckland’s use of Chemicals’ (on the
Weed Management Advisory’s website – see sidebar). It may help
you avoid the many pitfalls we faced and help you transition to a
sustainable non-chemical community. 
Thank you Hamilton for provoking us – it reminds us we
still have so much work to do in Auckland. That nearly half of


Weed Management Advisory

our youngest children live in areas where they still endure toxic
pesticides on roads and in parks is a matter of shame. Auckland of
all places has the tools to change this, and we must.

Hana Blackmore is a community researcher and advocate and
founder member of the WMA. She lives on Waiheke Island.

Above: Mechanical weed control in Whenuapai
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