Organic NZ – September 2019

(Romina) #1

38 September/October 2019 Promote • Educate

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grew up in a rural setting surrounded by nature and New Zealand
native birds. I helped on the farm and was so in love with my
surroundings, exploring the rivers and nature around me.
When I became a teen, my family moved to Auckland. I always
had a deep longing inside to be surrounded by nature and trees; it
was a hunger that I couldn’t satisfy. As I became an adult with my
own kids I really wanted them to experience what I had grown up

My daughter’s allergies
I always wanted to be healthy but was never taught how, and so
lived as many do using antibacterial and chemical-laden products,
eating a diet that wasn’t good for me or my kids.

Becoming a mother was the most precious gift and but also
the most challenging adventure yet. When you have a child, you
discover a love you never knew existed and you want only the best
for them. After my second child, my health journey began.
My daughter had terrible eczema as a baby and we used many
different creams and steroids, but nothing really helped. At age
one she developed allergies to peanuts, walnuts, kiwifruit and
some seafood that required us to carry an EpiPen. At this stage
we avoided the triggers or the foods but still didn’t know anything
about natural health or building up her immune system to reduce
some of her allergies.


Healing my child

Above: Desiree and Nicole (10) collecting wild herbs. Photos: Wild and Free
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