Organic NZ – September 2019

(Romina) #1

Advocate • Connect September/October 2019 39

Health and Food

New Zealand based

Allergy, intolerance and sensitivity

testing (IgE, IgG and hair tests)
Vitamin + mineral deficiency testing

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Organic NZ

Behavioural, sensory, skin and sleep issues
At age three she started developing many behavioural problems
that became so hard to deal with. She hated clothes and tags and
had many sensory issues. To get her to wear anything was almost
impossible. She had itchy skin and sore red eyes every night and
sometimes during the day that made her scream. She had sleep
issues, waking through the night, often angry and screaming.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) also started with doors
needing to be closed and wiping her feet six times. She started a
tic with her mouth and if we went into a car park or somewhere
enclosed she would spit and cry and say it tasted yucky.
Her anger became so bad you couldn’t really have a conversation
with her. She was so anxious that when she was four I started her
at kindy so she would be ready to leave me when school started.
It took her three terms going three half days before she was OK to
leave happily.
We got to a dark place as a family – there was always yelling
and crying, and I didn’t know where to turn. My daughter had little
moments where she cried and said, “I’m so sorry mum, I don’t know
why I’m like this”. That made me think this is not my little girl,
something is wrong. I knew another mother with a child similar
and she put her on medication. Something in my mother’s gut said
no, that is not the way!

A safe diet and home environment
When she was aged five, I was given the card of a naturopath who
dealt with a lot of children. We were at breaking point, so I booked
a consult. After seeing her we immediately made the changes she
recommended, including changing her diet to real whole foods,
reducing sugar as much as possible, lowering dairy and removing
gluten. We had to avoid any stressors such as chemicals in cleaners
or body care products, and moulds. We swapped to organic
products where we could and started reducing chemical products
in the home.
Within two weeks, her anger was gone, and after restoring her
nutrient deficiencies, our little girl returned to us. We targeted her
hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) and supported her naturally
with supplements that the thyroid needs such as iodine, selenium
and zinc.
It took about a year of making changes. Sometimes we went
back to old ways, but little flare-ups would remind us, and the fear
of going back there was always enough to make us sort ourselves
out. Change is hard to do overnight, maybe impossible, but starting
on a journey one step at a time is OK, and in that year we had taken
many, many steps. So just start any way you can.

My daughter had something called PANS (paediatric acute-onset
neuropsychiatric syndrome) or PANDAS (paediatric autoimmune
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal
These are two infection-induced autoimmune conditions
that disrupt a patient’s normal neurologic functioning – see
more at She also had
hypothyroidism and was deficient in nutrients. There was so much
inflammation and her body couldn’t cope.
Being an allergy kid, she naturally and genetically had more to
deal with than healthy children. I like to explain it as a child has
a cup half full of water, and for kids with allergies or other health
issues their cup is three-quarters full. Then if you add stress,
sickness, antibiotics, poor diet, pesticides and harmful chemicals
etc., the cup overflows and the body reacts by producing things
like anxiety, allergies, poor immunity, poor gut health, behavioural
issues and other health concerns.

Strategies to reduce toxins
So this is where we need to reduce their load: start introducing
organic and spray-free foods and products, get fresh air into the

Above: Nicole and Desiree with herbs for use in the Wild and Free

Find out more on:
Herbal Ltd. PO Box 6041 Tauranga 3146

Hair Analysis.

Reached a puzzling
point with your
health issues?

Could it be from
the environment,
parasites or toxins?
Free download pdf