Organic NZ – September 2019

(Romina) #1

40 September/October 2019 Promote • Educate

Health and food

Pure &

ZEOLITE – nature’s
most effective
mineral detoxifier

Certified Organic Skincare


house, reduce technology, improve diet, add in more veges, let them
rest and play in nature, clean any mould, use natural and organic
hygiene and body care products, work on their microbiome – their
gut health.
When we saw her change and wear clothes, smiling and happy, I
knew we had our most precious gift back. It will always be a journey
learning more about how to improve health but she’s back and

Within two weeks, her anger

was gone and our little girl

returned to us.

Above: Nicole enjoys country life.

thriving, now aged 10. While she still has the allergies that require
us to carry an EpiPen, they have reduced in the last tests.
My heart is sad for those whose kids and families might also
be struggling and for those kids who are dealing with allergies, or
feeling like their brain is on fire, unable to control their behaviour.
They are not naughty – their body needs help.

Nutrition and skincare
I went on and studied for a Diploma in Nutrition, so I could learn
more about my family’s health and how I could help others. We are
so bombarded with chemicals and pesticides and in our food and
products that we kill off all our wonderful microbiome that keeps
us healthy! If we look after our beneficial microorganisms, they will
look after us. More and more research shows how they are essential
to us being healthy.
I now see clients and do home visits and I started a company
called Wild and Free, making a range of body care products
including balms, eye cream, bath salts, sunscreen,  clay mask and
clay scrub. I use homegrown, natural and organic ingredients
and they really work. Many people use them on their babies and
children and I’m so proud that they will nourish and heal with no
chemicals that will cause harm or burden the body.

Call of the wild
Four years ago we made the move to live rural and it was the best
thing we ever did. I feel that hunger and longing is gone, and my
kids have embraced the rural life and the outdoors. It’s so peaceful
and tranquil and we’re working towards being sustainable, organic
and chemical-free where we can.
I have just finished a course in herbalism and I am passionate
about learning more and growing a wider range of herbs for my
products. I’m excited about the future of natural health and organics
and helping others learn about them and helping clients get their
health back.
Thomas Fuller said, ‘Health isn’t valued until sickness comes’.
This has been incredibly true for me and is what drives my practice
and line of natural products. Let’s not wait until sickness comes, as it
is a hard and emotional road. Let’s nourish our bodies and our earth
so they will nourish and heal us.

Desiree Lee has a Diploma in Nutrition (Naturopath College of
NZ) is a registered member of the Clinical Nutrition Association
of Wild and Free NZ: http://www.nzwildandfree.
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