Real Simple – September 2019

(Joyce) #1
WINNER: Qapital
For turning savings into a
game we actually want to play
WHAT IT IS: This mobile
app connects to your bank
accounts to siphon off savings
without your having to think
about it. You can round up
transactions, move money
at set intervals, or create
rules to trigger deposits with
certain tasks. On average,
Qapital users sock away
$1,300 per year. In 2018, the
app launched Payday Divvy,
which lets you parcel out pay-
checks into different budget
silos, and Spending Sweet
Spot, a tool that helps you
figure out and stick to weekly
spending targets.

WHY WE LOVE IT: For most of
us, saving ranks right alongside
going to the dentist—we know
we should, but...ugh. This
app makes saving less root
canal and more Candy Crush
game. And thanks to chief


For making getting answers
to personal-finance questions
as easy as sending a text
The Albert app connects
to your bank accounts and
analyzes your income, bills,
and spending to come up
with a personalized budget.
Even better: The add-on ser-
vice Genius lets you text
financial questions—about
anything from student-loan
consolidation to investment
basics—to a flesh-and-blood
financial expert. The first
month is free, and then
you pay what you think the
service is worth (minimum
$4 a month).

behavioral economist Dan
Ariely, the app is fueled by
science that works: You don’t
have a nebulous “save more”
goal but a specific target
amount—which, studies show,
makes you more likely to fol-
low through. You’re also asked
to spell out how you want to
use your savings (ski weekend
in Tahoe? New-car fund?
Kitchen reno?), and research
has found that likewise helps
with follow-through.

of America’s Erica
For building a handy
virtual helper
In June 2018, Bank of America
enhanced personalization for
its chatbot, Erica. Accessed by
7 million people and counting
via the bank’s mobile app,
Erica can remind users about
an upcoming bill, watch bal-
ances, view spending history,
monitor recurring charges,
and more.

For giving busy people earlier
access to their paychecks
The Even app links to your
bank accounts, detects upcom-
ing bills, and estimates what
you’ll have left to spend at any
given time. Through its newest
feature, Instapay, Even partners
with employers (like Walmart)
to offer employees interest-
free access to money they’ve
earned ahead of payday.



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