Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles – September 2019

(Amelia) #1

Naomi Von Habersham

Around town with

EVER SINCE I WAS A CHILD, fall has been my favorite of
the four seasons. It’s not that the other seasons are shabby,
but nothing beats the excitement of autumn’s arrival. It’s
a time when everyone gets back into the swing of things,
professionally and socially, after having been scattered hither
and yon over the summer. Fall means saying goodbye to
those wrinkled linen pants and tired T-shirts and welcoming
back cashmere and wool. It also marks a return to the in-
doors, cozy decor and comfort food. Hello, potatoes au gratin.
As soon as Labor Day rolls around, I promptly switch
out my closet from summer clothes to fall and winter ones.
Never mind the fact that September can be Atlanta’s hottest
month of the year, and sweater weather never really ar-
rives until late October. As far as I’m concerned, that first
Monday in September signifies the start of the fall season,
whether the temperatures cooperate or not. I might feel
faint wearing that wool Loro Piana jacket in 70-degree tem-
peratures, but at least I’ll look chic as I swoon.
I’m less rigid when it comes to the start date of reintro-
ducing rich food into my diet, which is prompted by the
weather and not the calendar. The first day the tempera-
ture drops below 60 degrees, I’m off to the grocery store
to get the ingredients to make Bill Blass’ famous meatloaf
recipe. A word of warning: After months of light summer
fare, a meatloaf made from three different kinds of ground
meat might come as a shock to the system, but take a few
bites, and you’ll quickly remember what bliss cold-weather
food really is.
And finally, after spending most of the summer outdoors,
I look forward to cocooning inside my home. For me, that
means bringing out the comfy throws and duvets from
storage and rotating my home’s color palette from light and
bright to deep and dramatic. Okay, so the reality may be that
summer is hanging on and the weather is sweltering, but, in
ILLU my mind, cool, crisp fall has already arrived.



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