Home South Africa – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Compiled by Gillian Eva
Photographs: Francois Oberholster

thereis alsoa FloweroftheYear
and a Vegetable of the Year?



Bright idea!
If you’re keen to plant a
blossom tree in your
garden, now is a good time
to visit your local nursery to
see them in bloom and
choose your favourite.
Eye-catching blossom trees
include Japanese flowering
cherry, flowering peach,
purple leaf plum and

advice Send garden info and queries to [email protected].

Flower of the Year
2019 is the Year of the Nasturtium,
nominated by Fleuroselect, the
international ornamental plant industry
organisation. This old-fashioned flower
remains a firm favourite with modern
gardeners as it continues to please our
eyes and our palates from early summer
to late autumn.
Nasturtiums were not only to be found
in the humble cottage gardens of old.
Royal monarch Louis IV also enjoyed their
flamboyance at Versailles, while in his
garden at Giverny, Impressionist painter
Monet delighted in the way they spilled
over paths and wound their way among
the flower borders.
There are bush and trailing
nasturtiums with single or double flowers
in cream, lemon, gold, through orange
and flame to red and mahogany, spurred
or spurless with green, blue-green or
variegated leaves.
Grow nasturtiums in hanging
baskets, window boxes and pots,
over fences or garlanding a statue.
Nasturtiums are useful in the

caloriesandhighin beta-carotene.Theycanbeeaten
raw with dips and salads, juiced, shredded, boiled
and roasted in soups, stews and stir-fries, muffins
and cakes.
The ancestor to the modern-day carrot was purple
and is believed to have originated in Afghanistan.
Over time, cultivation by Greeks and Romans resulted
in roots that were plumper and tastier, and in purple,

red and black varieties. It wasn’t until the 17th century
that the orange carrots we know today were bred by
Dutch growers as a tribute to William of Orange.
The cultivated carrot can be long and narrow or
short and round, and is one of the most important root
vegetables grown in temperate regions. In South
Africa, the Rugani farm in Gauteng is the leading
carrot farm, producing 40% of carrots in the country.
Heirloom carrots are fun to grow and Living Seeds
(livingseeds.co.za) sells yellow, white, purple and a
rainbow-coloured blend of carrots.

Vegetable of the Year

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