Home South Africa – September 2019

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92 home September 2019

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We love succulents!

Howto grow Unlike other succulents,
Aeoniums need more regular watering.
Because of their shallow roots they
should not dry out completely.
These winter growers are frost tender,
thriving in warmer, sheltered gardens.
Most Aeoniums come from the tropical
Canary Islands and some from East
Africa. To bring out their bold colours,
they need at least six hours of sun a
day. When planting, add some compost
to the soil for fertility and good drainage.
Garden uses Being generally taller
growers, Aeoniums can be placed
towards the back of a mixed succulent
bed. They make the most impact when
planted en masse. Use the wine-red
varieties for contrast, and those with
variegated rosettes to add interest to a
border. Plants with deep green rosettes

offset fiery colours of plants such as
Euphorbia ‘Firesticks’ and they are
generally used together with agaves,
aloes, crassula and even low water use
annuals and perennials.
Did you know? Plants also grow well in
shallow containers and can be grown
indoors on a sunny windowsill or patio.
Plants in containers should be watered
moreoftenthanthosein theground.
CommonproblemsRoot rot is a
problem if the soil does not drain well or
if they are overwatered. Should plants
be infested with scale or spider mites,
smother the pests by spraying with
neem oil. Soapy sprays are not
recommended as they can damage
the skin of the plant. >>
CONTACT Ngena Succulents; email
[email protected].

Dombeya rotundifolia’s common name, wild pear,
comes from the clusters of sweetly scented white
blooms that resemble pear blossoms, although
they are not related. The flowers remain on the
tree until after the fruit capsules have formed.
The leaves are leathery and the thick corky bark is
fire-tolerant. This is a deciduous, fast-growing tree
that is frost- and drought-hardy and suitable for
small gardens. It is popular with beekeepers due
to its high nectar production.

Waterwise plant of the month

Water smart

This is a showy English lavender
with tall flower spikes that stand
upright and close together so
that the impression is one of a
mass of flowers. This patio plant
needs bright light and can take
morning sun. Don’t overwater it

  • let the soil dry out moderately
    before watering again.
    The potted plant can later be
    transplanted into the garden as a
    focal point, or used in a rockery
    or mixed border.
    English lavender attracts
    butterflies and nectar-seeking
    birds. It makes a good cut flower
    and can be used in pot-pourri
    because of its lovely fragrance.
    CONTACT ballstraathof.co.za

Aeonium arboreum
Like Echeverias, Aeoniums are fleshy-leaved succulents with large, beautiful
rosettes in a variety of colours; the most striking being wine-red with undertones of
black. Aeoniums are dramatic plants, available in many sizes and types, and look
slightly other-worldly with a profusion of long, bare stems with a rosette at the end.
Some are compact, others are shrubby and the tallest are tree-like, hence the
common name of houseleek tree.

Patio plant of the month

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