rom the road, Mary
Jane Darroll’s
house looks much
like any other of its
era. A neat 1940s
bungalow, it’s part
of a Johannesburg
suburb that, just
a century ago, was
a series of farms.
It’s only when
you walk through
the door and out
to the patio on the
oppositesidethatsomething astonishing
appears.We’retalking a towering, wall-to-
wallverdancy,stretching over half an acre.
Shielded on all sides, there’s not a single
impediment to the view. It’s a peaceful
green marvel free of power lines and fences.
‘My mother was a great gardener,’ says
Darroll, who is a fine art specialist. ‘We
lived in Bryanston, and the garden was her
absolute passion. When I saw this house on
the market three years ago, I just knew that
I would buy it. They say you shouldn’t buy
a property for the garden alone, but I did,
and it was definitely the right decision.’
The previous owner had established
the garden, transforming the unkempt
slope into an expansive terrace before
undertaking all the planting. A gravelled
path leads from the patio through a formal
rose garden, with buxus hedging containing
blooms ranging in hue from delicate pinks
to rich, deep golds.
‘The garden is about 15 years old now,
and it represents an extraordinary amount
of love, time and investment,’ says Darroll.
‘My predecessor, Pam Sylvester-Curr,
gave me a list of all the different roses
she planted. There are countless classics,
like Roberto Capuccis, Claire Austins,
Crimson Glories and Germiston Golds
- each bed planted with roses of a specific
hue. I’ve become the new guardian, and
it’s a remarkable thing to come home to
this spectacle each day.’
Boasting an enticing, symmetrical
layout, the garden draws you right in,
presenting crisp paths just wide enough
for a bit of unhurried meandering. On the
east-west axis are two viewing seats, each
topped by an arbour and backed by dense
green hedges. ‘The first flush of roses
appears in mid-October, with a second
flowering in March,’ says Darroll. ‘Each
year revolves around this cycle, and in June,
we spend at least three full days pruning.’
Roses aside, fragrance abounds in
star jasmine and murraya, gardenia
and wisteria. ‘The first year was a real
joy because plants kept popping up
unexpectedly. Out of the blue, I’d find irises
or Tiger and Inca lilies. There are some
gorgeous hellebore too,’ Darroll adds.
The sense of peace here is tangible.
Ambling around the orderly beds, you’re
constantly drawn back to the towering
green canopy beyond. ‘It reminds me of
the very mannered Italian gardens that
merge into the bosco – a wilder forest-
type garden,’ says Darroll. At the far
end of the rose garden is a visual pause,
a shady escape marked by an arbour that’s
predominantly green and white. Acanthus-
lined paths amble past a picturesque shed
before dropping down to a stream below.
‘My son Nicholas and I love to spend time
here,’ Darroll says. ‘It’s far more natural
and rambling, and there’s such a sense
of being in the heart of nature.’
With its varied vegetation, the garden
has become a magnet for birds. ‘In summer
especially, the birdsong is incredible,’
says Darroll. ‘Sometimes you can’t hear
yourself think!’ Grey turacos, southern
masked weavers, hoopoes and barbets
are regular visitors, and recently, a long-
crested eagle made a welcome appearance.
‘There is definitely a micro-climate
here,’ she adds. ‘We keep the large trees
trimmed to allow sufficient light in, but
it’s incredibly lush – it almost feels like
certain parts of KwaZulu-Natal. Although
the winter frosts can be severe, there’s
a year-round beauty to this garden. I have
to believe that this greening has some
positive effect on local weather patterns.’ O
Water features throughout the garden in the form of trickling fountains and
a natural stream; an arbour near the main terrace creates an ornate focal point.