MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 11

Your Letters, MMM,Warners GroupPublications, West Street, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH

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Discouragement and
Last September, we travelled
from Northern Ireland to
Stranraer, Scotland, heading
to England for amotorhome
holiday. A sho rt distance
from Dumfri es on the way
to Carlisle, a red light came
on. We pulled on to the hard
shoulder andcontacted the
Fiat garage in Dumfri es. It was
very unhelpful and could not
do anything untilthe middle
of the fo llowing week. It was
Thursd ay so thatwould ha ve
meant staying there un til
the fo llowing Tuesda y or
Wednesda y.
Our insurance company
informed the breakdown truck
to move us. The se rvice that
came out to us,contacted a
garage it knew and was to ld
to take it over there. The
mechanic started the next day
and hadit fixed thatevening.
The problem was the
radiator hadgiven up. It was
a big job andvery reasonable
in price. The nameof the
garage is+James H Glen
Motor Engineers, The Garage,
Parkgate, Dumfri es DG1 3NB
)01387 860346
James Simpson

Going down town
I sing in a choir thatdoes a
week ina ca thedral every
summer andalways use the

’van as abase. When on a
‘proper’ holiday we also like
to stay on sites with public
transportnearby, so we don’t
have to worry about parking. I
have become adept at finding
convenient places.
Some of our favourites –
with public transport a short
walk and a bus ride of not more
than 30minutes – are,in no
particular order:
Cheltenham and Gloucester:
Briarfields briarfield
York:Rowntree Park C&MC,a
15-minute walk into the ci ty if
you’re luck y enough to get in;
open all year it’s almost always
full. The club’s other site,
Beechwood Grange, is a bu s
ride away
Salisbury:C&CCsite with views
of Old Sarum
Wells:Wells TouringPark
Oxford:Bladon Chains C&MC;
the C&CCalso has asite thatis

closer tothe ci ty
Cambridge:both C&MC and
Peterborough:Ferry Meadows
C&MC site, from which you can
take a steamtrai n to the ci ty.
This summerwe’re singing in
Ripon Ca thedral and I’ll stay at
River Laver Holiday Park, which
is a 15-minut e walk. Watch out
for areview in MMM.
Penny Granger

EDLook out fortheGuideto
Motorhome Parking andBase
Vehicle Servicingfree with this
month’s issue.

Not so secure
My motorhome was stolen
during the hours of darkness
from an insurance-accredited
The compound hasa
security keypad at the front
of the site, as wel l as CCTV.
But the back of the site is
fields, andit seems the thieves
drove over two fields, cut a
chainoff a five-bargate and
stole my motorhome. They
had complete freedom to
presumably for ce entry andcut
my steering lock off. There is
no secur ity at the back and side
of this site.
I aminsured, but I will

hopefully get the insurance
company tostop this
compoundbeing accred ited.
J Maughan

EDCaSSOA (Caravan Stor age
Site Owners’ Association) has
the fo llowing tip s:
Security feat ures – dothey
appear well-maintainedand
are they as advertised?
Are the staffriendly?
Is the location convenient
for you?
Cost – the cheapest option
mayprove to be a false
economy. Savingmoney
maycome at t he expense of
Opening hours –wil l the
site be able to accommodate
early pick-upsor late returns
if you need them?
Access – How ea sy is it to
gain acce ss to the facility?
Remember, it’s best not to
commit to storage without
seeing the compound irst and
really getting a feel for the site
and its security.
All CaSSOA-accred ited
storage sites aresurveyed
regularly by an independent
assessor t o ensure they meet
our standards of security.
You can ind outmore at locate
your nearest site.

Innovative idea!

We’ve just returnedfrom
three weeks inJapan, not
in our Rapidowehasten
to add. The country was
fascinating, buttheir loos
were evenmore so.
Wecouldn’t resist taking
a photo of this one witha
basin over the cistern and
bowl. When the looflushes
automatically, astheydo,

the tap automatically runs
water for hand-washing.
How brilliantis that?
The Japanese areknown
for innovationbutwe
couldn’t help wonderingif
this idea might workin a
space-strapped motorhome
or campervan.Foodfor
thought fordesigners.
Jane Chapman



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