106 outandaboutlive.co.ukSeptember 2019
+Main Road, Newbridge,Yarmout h
PO41 0TS
5 April– 1 November
The Isle of Wight offers country
lanes and scenic off-roadcycling
routesonformer railwaylines
ormore challengingoff-road
bridleways, bothin the countryside
or along the coast. Infact,since the
islanditself is only 23miles long, it
is easy toexplore bybike.
The Orchards islocated onthe
edgeof anAreaof Outstanding
Natural Beauty andhas grass,
hardstandingand serviced pitches,
all withelectric. Facilitiesinclude
toilets, showers, alaundry, indoor
and outdoorpools, ashop,coffee
shop andtakeaway.
The Ta rka Trail is one of the country’s
longest continuoustraffic-free paths,
and formspart of the Devon Coast
toCoast Cycle Route. There aretwo
circular routesforming afigureof
eight pattern withone looppassingby
the site entrance of DamageBarton
downintoIlfracombe andthen onto
Braunton. The Ta rka Trail offers easy
cycling, surfacedthroughout,along
estuarysides andthrough wooded
valleys. Ashorter cycling route is along
the old railwaylinetoIlfracombe and
this canbeaccessed one milefrom
the site.
DamageBarton’s pitchesoffer
sensationalcoastal views, with
facilities includinga shop,toilets and
showers, and awetsuit washroom.
There is alsoa picnic area, dog
exercisepaddocks, andthe pitchesare
grass orhardstandingwithelectric. If
you wanttoexplore withoutyourbike
there is a busstop atthe site entrance.
+Mortehoe,Woolacombe EX347EJ)01271 87050 2
damagebarton.co.uk15 March– 3 November
The Orchards Holiday
Caravan & CampingPark,
Isle of Wight
Damage Barton Caravan & Camping Site,Devon
+SilverhillLane,Teversal NG173JJ)01623 55183 8
campingandcaravanningclub.co.ukAll year
The Te versalTrails is a circular
route on former railwaylines on
the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire
border. The trail takes intwo Sites
of Special Scientific Interest andfive
sites that are important fornature
conservation. There is alsoa visitor
centre where you canfinddetails of
the cyclingroutes.
The Te versalClubsite isopposite
the Silverhill WoodCountry Park
where there’s direct access tothe
trail. The site offers a range of
Boardmanbikes to hire.
Te versalboasts top-notch
facilities. These includeauto
sensorpower showers, individual
washrooms, parentandchild
facilities, alaundry, playgroundand
a shower fordogs.The site shopis
well stocked.
Other must-dosin the area
includethe NationalTrust’s
HardwickHall and Bolsover Castle.
Teversal Camping& Caravanning ClubSite,Nottinghamshire
Visit Devon/Neville Stannikk
TheTarka Trail, Devon