MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 115


Burrs Country Park Caravan & Motorhome Club Site,Lancashire

I wouldn’t no rmally do areview on
a clu b site but, having been a carer
for my late, wheelchair dependent
husband, I feel this one warrants some
publ icity, in that respect.
Burrs Country Park Clu b site isset
in a country park so is ideal for anyone
using awheel chairor the like to be
able to travel, direct fro m their pitch,
into lovely country sc ener y as there
are good firm tracks to get around.
The site providesdisabled facilities
and pitches are all ha rdstanding,
comprising of well-compacted gravel.
Once thro ugh the site gate, there’s

a pubon the doorstep, with easy
access into the premises. We enjoyed
a birthday meal there and ca n
wholeheartedly recommendthe food!
We walked intoBury,
approximately 1½ miles away and all
on good footpaths. Another day we
travelled in to the heart of Manchester,
via the tram. Once into the centre,
we were only 10 minutes’ wa lk from
a total delight – the Science an d
Industry Museum. The place is huge
and awhole day canbe spent there.
There are placesto eat, too, andthe
best of it is it’s free! If the weather is
dire and someone in your fami ly has
specia l needs, this is the pl ace to go.
I may not be a carer
anymore but Istill
judge sites, as such,
and Burrs Country
Park is up there,
when wanting to
give someone with
specia l needs
an interest.

Stanwix Park Holiday Centre,Cumbria,Cumbria

If you like your sites packedwith
activities and enter tainment, this is
the pl ace foryou.
Differentaccommodation types
are grouped to geth er across the large
site, with a multi-act ivity leisure
complex at the centre. Campers are
housed intwo se parate fields; the
smaller Skidd aw has around 30 large,
hardstanding pitches each with its
own hook-up and water supply. The
larger camping field, Criffel, has more
than 90pitches available.
The leisure complex offers an
indoor play pool complete with a
small slide. It is gearedto suit k ids

but there’s also a sauna, steamroo m,
jacuzzi, fo ot spas and hot/coldwater
experience showers. In addition to
the pool , there’s a gym,a solarium
and acafé, too. Upstairs you’ll find
two well-presented bars (no un der-
16s allowed), a snooker roomand
an amusementarc ade with ten pin
bowling alleys. The main SunsetInn is
a huge venue where all of the evening
entertainment takes pl ace. The
outdoor swimmingpoolis larger than
you’d expect, with plenty of poolside
tables, chairs and loun gers.
Stan wix Park Holiday Centre is
set about amile away from Silloth,
a small port town set on the banks
of the Firth of Solway. The town
offers a three-mile
long promenade, the
inevitable ice crea m
parlour, chip shop
and amusement
arca de, butit is a
quiet pl ace an d
not a traditional
seaside resort.


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+Woodhill Road, Bury, Lancashire
)01617 61048^9
All year
£ Two adults, pitch and electric: From

Nearest public transport:½ mile
Nearest pub/restaurant:Site entrance
Directions:Leave M66 at J2 onto A58.
Follow A58 ring road south round Bury.
Follow signs for Ramsbottom, then pick
up brown signs for Burrs CountryPark


© 2011Freytag-Berndt u.ArtariaKG, 1230 Vienna


+Greenrow, Silloth, Cumbria CA7 4HH
)01697 33266^6
All year
£ Two adults, pitch and electric: From

Nearest public transport:Site entrance
Nearest pub/restaurant:On site
Directions:Leave M6 at J41 and follow
signs forWigton B5305 and continue on
B5302 to Silloth.Turn left entering Silloth
and follow signs for StanwixPark for one
mile. Entrance tosite is on right

Remnantsofthe cottonmill

Stanwix Park’s pitches

©Crown copyright 2019 Ordnance Survey. Media 002/19


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