MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 13

There areother guides...

In the July issue (p209)ther e is a review
of an old favourite –All The Aires,
France. My wife and Iused these a
few years ago on our first motorhome
holiday in Normandy and found them
very useful – but,as indicated , heavy!
On a recent non-motorhome trip
to France I foundsome other guides.
These were published by Miche lin.
The first one is entitledL’ Europeen
camping-car. It is written in French, but
lists 75 tour ist routes in 25countries.
These aretypically seven day s and
around 500km.
Each day’s informationstarts with
a comment ortwo ab out the departure
place andthengive s some, butnot very
many, comments about salient places
en route. There are area maps showing
each route, with sugges ted campsites

or ai res at the ends of each
day’s journey. The map
supplied shows the Deutsche
Alpenstrasse (GermanAlpine
Road). The notes a lso sugges t
places to eat.
Information on each
campsite or ai re is very similar
to thatMichelinuses for its
basic camping guides. It is
not dissimilar tothat in the aires book
but does not ha ve photosor detailed
directions to find the sites.
The only problem was it doesn’t
cover France! For that you need
Escapades encamping-carFrance.
Although the books are inFrench,
they are available on the in ternet or in
Frenchmotorway bookstalls.
My wife and I arehoping to use

the Frenchbook when holidaying in
Brittany in August/September.
Peter Hills

EDYou can buyboth of these guides
through Michelin’s UK website priced
£16.99 each
but if you search online you may be
ableto i nd the guides cheaper (£12-
£14 from Amazon).

Induction light
I ha ve just read the Product
of the Month inAccessories,
(Summer, p198).
There are manyof us who
have a pacemaker fitted. One
instructionwas not to have an
inductionhob fitted.
As the light has an
have you checked with the BHF
to seeif the Nitesafe nightlight
can be usedby those of us that
have a pacemaker fitted?
T Lambourne

EDWeasked Lakelandto
check andthe company
conirmedthat this product
is OKforthose who havea
pacemaker itted.

No indicators here
After two wonderfulmonths of
getting to know our new ’van
conversion, having had avery
large motorhome before,we
decid ed to treat Bridget to a
satellite system.
Driving to Northwich t o
have it fitted, as we approached
the top of our road to turn
right, the indicatorswere going
mad making a sound like a
very fast clock tick and asmall
warning light cameon. They
seemed tostill be working so,
as we were only going 20 miles
up the road, we continued.
Having had the work done,
we mentionedthe indicators
to, but the company said, as
the ’van was under warran ty,
it was best to get a Fiat garage
to check it. Simple you would
think, but,no, this is where it
gets interesting.
We got in touch with
the motorhomedealer, who
sugges ted we call Fiat Assist as
the ’van was under warran ty.
Having called them, they sent
an RAC man to“assist” us.
He arrived, spent ashort
time looking at the vehicl e and
sugges ted that it needed to go
to a Fiat garage.
To cut avery longstory
short, the Fiat garage claimed it

was to dowith the conversion
electrics, while the supplying
dealer could not find the
cause. A lo cal auto electricia n’s
diagnostic readi ng suggested
a proble m with the on-board
“body management unit”.
Back ata Fiat garage, it
stated the fault lied with the
towbar electrics! However,
as the fault was with an
aftermarket ad dition, it hadn’t
fixed the indicatorproble m.
The dealer found amobile
engineer who was confident
he could fix the fault, c alling
at our house. Finally, he came
to the do or with the keys, bu t
had not been able to help! He
stated it was a faulty indicator
stalk! Grey hairs appeared andI
called the dealer.
Where is the ’van now? Back
with the dealer, either being
fixed orgoing to an early grave.
We only had her for three short
months butwe do miss her.
The dealer hastried fitting a
new indicatorstalk, butthis
has not worked. My hair is now
going white!
It is agreed it will loan us
a motorhome so we can get
on with our travels, while
it attempts to fix the fault.
The mechanic has hadthe
indicatorsworking and

sugges ted it is an engine
computer error.Now, the
vehicl e is going back to Fiat but
it won’t take it immediatel y, so
watch this space!
A fed upRoy & Denise Allen

Thanks forgood work
We would like to thank Andy
and his team at Caravan and
Motorhome Solutionsnear
Chard forexcellent work that
he has just donefor us.
Some weeks ago, at an
enterpris e some distance
from here, we had had avery
sub-standardinstallationof a
refillable gas system. We were
most upset andthen afriend
told usabout Andy.
Andy was so helpful and
competent;he reinstalled
the gas system correctly and
securely. He sorted out the level
of the regulator, made sure that
the cylinders were properly
attached tothe gas lo cker and
thatno fumes could get i nto
the ’van. We recommendAndy
and his team forall motorhome
work. He is excellent.
Sandy &Jan Robertson

EDFind outmore caravan
)01460 63320


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