September 117
CampingEl Garrofer,Catalonia
We chose Ca mping El Garrofer, i n
spite of mixed reviews, because of its
proximity to Sitges – acosmopolitan
town famed forits beautiful
Mediterranean beaches and diverse
nightlife sc ene, sit uated only 22 miles
southwest of Barcelona.
We needn’t haveworried. No, El
Garrofer isn’t manicured to within
an inchof its life, butit is efficiently
run andhas a laid -back, welcoming
char m. And the added bonus of
strong, fr ee WiFi! Pitches se em huge
in comparison tomost Spanish
campsites. Someare laid out under
tall pine trees, which providetotal
shade, whilst another large areahas
an open andsunny aspect.
The on-site shop sells all basic
essentials, in cluding fresh bread
and croissants, but opening times
are limited. Next door is LaSinia
restaurant, which we didn’t use, but
which wasalways well freq uented.
The sanitation block wasclean and
spacious, with pip ing hot wa ter
delivered to the excellent showers an d
other wa shing facilities. There is an
attractive saltwate r swimmingpool
area,which op ens fr om 1 May, and
which we took advantage of several
times during ourstay.
Located immediately outside the
campsite entrance is a busstop and
fromhere the bustakes just over an
hour to arrive in the very heart of
beautifulBarcelon a. Although the bu s
into Sitges takes only five minutes
fromthis stop, we chose to walk
down into town. Exiting El Garrofer
via a gate at the back of the site, we
passed the localgolf course, strolled
through the delightful Jardins des
Terramar, andsoon reached the palm
tree-lin ed Passeig Marítim. This grand
promenade, overlooked by many fine
and ela borate vill as, follows a broad
sweep of golden sandall the way into
the compact old town. The skyline
is dominated by the picturesque
seventeenth century church of San
Bartolomé y Santa Tecla, with the
surrounding streets full of loca l shops,
restaurants andtapa s bars.
Sitges is an upbeat,sophisticated
resort, with eleg ant,
historic buildingsand
museums showcasing
Catalan and Spanish
art. And the beaches,
all 17 of them,
just go on a nd
on. Sitges is an
absolute gem.
FIND THE PERFECTTOURINGPARKwith over3,500 campsites in the
UK and Europe. Visit
Historic buildingsinSitges Siteswimmingpool
©Crown copyright 2019 Ordnance Survey. Media 002/19
+C-246a, Km39, 08870 Sitges
)0034 938 94178^0
[email protected]
23 February– 14 December
£ Two adults, pitch and electric: From
€29 (£26.61)
Nearest public transport:On site
Directions:From AP7 exit Sitges-Vilanova
i la Geltrú, from C-32 Exit26 (SantPere
de Ribes/Vilanova i la Geltru). Easy
access off C-246a into campsite
Lat/long:N41° 14’ 2” E1° 46’ 52”
Sue Hutchings