140 outandaboutlive.co.ukSeptember 2019
you come out of the shower.
It’s a clever syst em and one that
allo ws a se parate shower tobe
featured in a campervan (with two
lounges and fourberths, too, don’t
forget). It’s not a huge shower, of
course,but it was big enough for this
72kgtester. No one’s like ly to complain
about headroom (2.09m) butyou’ll
want totry it for size before signing on
the dotted line.
The toilet cu bicle op posite is,
similarly, better suited tothose who
go running in the morning than
anyone that sits down regularly for a
full English. With t he swiv el c assette
toilet mounted on a plinth, it helps to
havelong legs, too. Howev er, there’s a
stylish new rectangular basin, plenty
of practical storage (plus elasticated
straps tohold all your toiletries in
place – ot her manufactur ers take
note!) and agood expanse of worktop
alongside the wa shbasin to complete
retain the wa lk thro ugh, and the rear
cushions aresuch a tight fit that they
don’t tumble out when you openthe
barn doors – ju st make sure no one’s
leaningon them first!
You candine here, too, with
the island leg table storing under
the raised floor of the rear lounge
(requiringyou to gooutside to retrieve
it). Maybe this should be the only
table (but usable inboth lou nge s) or
perhaps a small coffee table would
better serve the back of the ’van?
Either way, I’m not convinced a
vehicl e like this needs two full-sized
tables, although curr ently you do
require the se cond tablet op in order
to make the rear bed. This is created
using the table and two panelsto
support pu ll-outsla ts from either side,
then the backrest cushionssimply slot
into the middleto cr eate a bed that’s
surprisingly big, surprisingly flat and
very comfortable.
So, the Li vingVan canserve
successfully as a four-berth, although
bed-making would be easier if the
pull-outslats forthe rear bed had
their own legs (as in some riva ls).
We’re not donewith the Li vingVan’s
USPs, though, for the newcomer
sees the use of Rapido’s patented
Modul’Spacewardrobe/washro om.
First sho wn (to much acclaim) in the
Rapido V55 andsince adopted by
several Dreamers, this design makes
use of the showe r space when you’re
not actually showeri ng by doubling up
as a wardrobe. Don’t worry about your
best gear getting soggy, the clothes
hanging areais fully self-contained
and it simply rotates through 180
degrees when you need to hose
yourself down. It even has two do ors,
so your f resh shirt can be grabbedas
TESTED Dreamer LivingVan
Supremely comfortable drop-downbed
Separate shower in a campervan
‘Privacy gap’ to en suitewashroom
Clashbetween bathroom door and
ladderfor upper bed at night
Smaller rear coffee table, or just one
tablefor both lounges
Built-in supportsfor rear bedslats
The rear lounge can be madeupas a U-shape, too