MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 147

No one is like ly to buy acoachbui lt
motorhome on external appearan ce,
so it’s the interior design where sales
will be won or lost.
Here, the Edge gives off a plain
and simple vibe with grey being
the predominantcolour(a darker,
char coal for the lower kitchen
cabinets) andcontrast provide d by
top lo ckerdoors ina dark wood with
heavy grain pattern.
Overca b bed aside, the layo ut is
pretty much what you’d expect...
if the badge on the ou tside was of a
continental brand!
Neither Bailey’s Advance nor Auto-
Trail’s Tribute budget rangescurr ently
incl ude a direct competitor, a lthough
Elddis offers a single-bed-over-garage
floorplan in its Autoquest line-up
and there are, of course,countless
alternatives fr om European entry-
level range s, in cluding vehicl es from+

certainly seemedsurefooted, if a littl e
more susceptible tocrosswinds than
lower-s lung motorhomes.
It sits on a standard-height
chassis, so the floor is quite high,
with a consequent effect on weight
distribution – andthe need for an
external step at the habitatio n do or.
In this case,the step is manually
adjusted, which is a sign that this
motorhome is built to a price.
It’s not all back-to-basic s, though,
as the Edge has a stylish, fully
moulded rear panel (with separate
rear corner sections for ea sier repair),
as well as a neat shape forthe luton
and bold , sporty orange graphics.
There’s a bin on the do or and a
flyscreen here, too, pl us an awning
light. Bike rack fixings are factory-
fitted, andit’s great to see that the
chassis fr amehas been extended ri ght
to the back, supporting a garage with
200kg load limit.

However, the wa ste tank is small
(60 litres) and looks vulnerably low to
the ground, as well as havinga slow-
to-drain small bore outlet.
That garage will be a key reason to
buy –if you want generous storage
this is the Edge layout to choose (the
island bed model, for example, has
no externally accessed lockerspace).
Here, there’s a huge void for all your
sporting or camping paraphernalia

  • it measures up to1.12mwide and
    It’s heated, too, andthere’s a
    small LED light ju st inside the do or,
    although there areno power sockets
    here and just one lo ading door (on
    the nearside). This door comes with a
    convenientsinglehandle and two-
    point locking.
    Note, too, that, as the floor is high,
    the lo wer lip of the garage door is
    around 850mmoff the ground – quite
    a height to lift anythingreally heavy.

“Swift is temptingnewcomers into motorhomingwith this new

Edge,and it may aloappealto manyhire fleets”


Swift Edge 476 TESTED

The kitchen is one of the best features, especially with the LivingPack’s microwave

Both theovercab and rear single
mattresses sit on solid wood bases

Just one garage doorand a high floor
mean loading up could be a chore
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