MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 17

It’s in thename
Regarding Nik Waller’s letter
(Summer, p19), Iagree
campervans should not be
included in MMM. Also, an y
vehicl e under 7mshould
not be given a friendly wave.
They should not be greeted at
receptionwith a smile. There
should be a se parate desk for
them with a surly gree ting.
They should also be parked
well awayfrom all a menities
and not be allowed to use the
hot showers.
Oh alright, we know what’s
happeninghere, it’s thatAndy
Stothert winding usup. Nice
Romahome Bernie

Hunt for stickers
and certificates
When you take a look at al l
the French Crit’Air stickers, the
Germanumweltplakette and
certificates of conformity, the
whole thing makes you askif
it is worth it. Let’s justavoid
France and Germany oravoid
going into to wns and cities, or
abroad at al l.
With more and more towns
going gree ner all overEurope,
we decided to give it a go.
First, I visited the RAC websit e
as it gives information and
links to the sites you need. For
example, on emissions just look
for the year of manufacture
(mine was a 2013diesel and it
advised Iwas Euro 5).
Now, for the Crit’Air sticker

all you need to do is grab your
V5 document. Go through the
RAC link to the application
formand you basically copy
the V5 document to it. When
it comes to the box thatasks
for CO2emissions,just ign ore
it. When it asks for your Euro
number, putin what you
number is; it gives multiple
choicefrom the drop-down
box. Now you need a pdf or
jpeg photo of your registration
document.The hardest part for
me was reducing the pdf to an
acce ptable size, but I eventually
got it. Then pay your €3.62plus
postage andthat’s it.
The Germanumweltplakette
has tobe the easiest

application ever. A gain go
through the RAC site to the
berlin.delink. Put in your
registrationnumber and acopy
of your registratio n document,
pay €6 andwait. German
efficiency is what you would
expect andmy sticker was back
withina week.
I wasn’t so hopeful on the
French being thatgood, butthe
next day it arrived.
In France the sticker alone
won’t do.Oh no, the French
authorities want to seethe
certificate of confor mity.
OK, let’ s get o ne of these; I
was on aroll.
I started with the vehicl e
manufacturer, in my cas e,

Renault. Firing off an email, I
got aswift reply ad vising me to
contact the end manufacturer,
in my case,Hobby.
I emailed the main dealer in
Preston, Lancashire, with my
make, model andthe VIN on
Friday. By Tuesda y Hobby UK
had emailed my certificate of
conformity at no charge.
Do not go through third-
party sites as they can charge
£30 ormore.
Being ov er 60, Isurprised
myself and amchuffed at
achieving my goal with no
stress or h assle. Thank you to
MMMfor all your articles; I
can’t motorhomewithout it.


Free download pdf