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Peter Rosenthal
162 Need technical advice?[email protected] 2019
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I ha ve a two-year-old Benimar 201on a Fiat Ducato and
its batteries have stopped charging when connected to the
mains. Everything else works when plugged in, doyou ha ve
any ideas?
Cliff Pittam
Have you c hecked thebasics, such as the switch on the
char ger has not been knocked of?Or that any of your
mains isolatorswitc hes arein the of(down) position?
Have you ch ecked the battery voltage independently
with a multimeter tobe sure it’s not just a problem with the
motorhome’s display?
If you seeclose to
14V on t he meter
then the cha rger is
working. You might be
ableto i x the motorhome display by removing it from the
wall(it is retained by spring clips), disconnecting the multi-
pin plug for afew se conds. h is may reboot thedisplay.
My next sugges tion thenis that you visit your dealer as
this surely must st ill be under warranty.
Clive Mott
Are gas heating and cooking systems
cleaner than diesel ones?
I notethatmanyconvertersuse dieselfor
theirheating andhot water systems,even
highly regarded oneslikeMurvi.When
thereisanapparent, cleaner,moreefficient
alternative inLPG,canyou suggest why
this shouldbe?
MyDevon Tempest runs aGaslow
systemlinked toa Trumaheating/hot
water systemandappearsfine. The
previousmodel, the Devon Limousin,
which Ialsoowned,useddiesel thatwas
noisy(difficult tostopthe pump making
a noise,which disturbedat night) and,
moreimportantly, smelly. All the windows/
vents hadtobeshutif you wanted toavoid
getting an unpleasantwhiff ofobnoxious
diesel fumes, which I assumeare as
harmfultohealthasexhaust fumes from
an engine.
I believe Propexcan fit underbodyLPG
tanks as an after-market modification.So
why isn’t this being promotedmoreand
why aren’t convertersbeing madetofeel
guiltyforcontinuingtofit dieselsystems?
John M Griffiths
I spoke to several converters at the
NationalMotorhome and Campervan
Showthis spring. BothWebasto and
Eberspächerhaveimprovedover earlier
unitsand arewidelyusedin HGV cabs
where driversstayout forpossiblya
week ata time.Convertersexpressed the
feeling thatmanycampervanowners,
too,liked towildcamp and,inthat
situation, gas wasusedchiely forcooking
andrefrigeration. heywent ontopoint
available toreplenish tanks thanLPG
(bulk orcylinder) in manyareas.
Gas storage insmaller camperswithout
the use ofan underloor tankisalmost
certainly at the expense ofgeneral storage.
Manydo oferalternatives todiesel
heatingbutagain othersdonot. Owners
can, tosomedegree, request alternatives
to pre-built campersatpoint oforder.
Terry Acreman
guilty for continuing to fit diesel systems?
National orhome perv
wee im onverters expresse he
situation as hiel y ookin
geration e certainl he xpense eral storage
Many e lter tive iesel
Why do n’t my batteries charge up
on a mains hook-up?