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Why does myPeugeot motorhome
keep stopping with the EM light on?
Recently myPeugeot-based motorhome
broke downwitha complete loss of
power afterthe engine managementlight
came on.The AAcame tomy rescueand
managed torestart the engineeventually
bydepressingthe acceleratorpedal fully.
Eventhenit was slow tostart.They
connected acodereader, butthere were no
stored orpending faults shown.
I continued onmyway home, followed
bythe AA, andbroke downagaintwice
with the sameproblem and managed to
restart after waiting aminute ortwo.
When Igothome, I connected acode
readerandalsofoundnostored orpending
fault codes.
I tookit for arun andthe faultrecurred
with the enginemanagementlight on,
butit now justwentintolowpower mode
insteadof losingpower altogether.
The ABS light is alsolit, butthis may
bedue todisturbing awiring connection
when Ichecked all visible connectors
before the run, sothis maynot be
connected tothe main fault. Pleasecan
you advisewhat the problemmaybe?
Rob Brookes
While I havelittle experiencewith
Peugeot engines, thereis something
aboutthis problem that hasmybrain
buzzing.While the Fiat andPeugeot have
completely diferent e ngine management
systems, the CAN busor‘body computer’
is very similar and mayreact inthe same
wayto particular problems asthe Fiat
units do. hefaultwithloss of power can
becaused bymanythingsandsomeof
themwill bePeugeot-speciic, but afaulty
injectorortwo would certainly beamong
them. hereason thatI suggest injectors
is because onEuro5 Ducatos (Iamaware
that this vehicle is a Euro4, butbear with
me), if thereis a serious enoughfaultwith
the injectors, theABS orEBD warning
lights will comeon duringthe event. his
is a peculiarity of the sequencein which
devices areconnected to the CAN bus
network andit seemsthe only waythat
the undetermined faultcanbe lagged to
the driver.
I wouldtakethe vehicle to asuitable
workshopwhere tests canbecarriedout
and irst among those tests should bean
injectorleak-oftest, which will, without
too much trouble orcost, indicate if one
of the most commoninjectorfaults is
present.If theyarewithin tolerance; the
garage should beable to delve deeper to
igure outwhat is goingon.
Thankyou for looking intothis. This
certainly soundslikea possible cause.
These systems aresocomplexnow!As
advised, I havetaken it to aPeugeot dealer
forfault diagnosis, so fingers crossedI will
wait forthe diagnosis, butwill certainly
mentionthe possibility of faulty injector(s)
if its tests areinconclusive. I will keepyou
informedof the outcomeof this asit may
prove useful toyour other readers with
similar problemsin future.
Rob Brookes
The July issue (p212) had a very
interesting feature about suspension
and levelling systems.
While air susp ension can,it seems,
allow for apotentially heavier payload
(an issue that is also covered by an
articl e in the same edition) in addition
to ‘optimumride comfort and on-road
stability’, my questionis whether they
are mutually exclusive with regards to
levelling systems? Is ther e an ything
on t he market that can achieve those
comfort and stability functions while
driving, in addition toachieving alevel
pitch when arri ving on site?
I ha ve a Chausson 630,on a Ford
Transit chassis, andmy aim is to try
and find something thatcould do all of
these. Unless I ammissing something,
such a product would give the a bove
results butthose mentioned/ava ilable
seem to doone (suspension) or the
other (levelling on site).
Jerry Aldous
It’s a really interesting point.As
ever, the answer isn’t quite that
simple, though! In the caseof your
Ford Transit, which uses McPherson
struts andeithera connected semi-
independent axle (if FWD)or a solid
axle (RWD)you’re limited inthe
amount of levellingyou canachieve
with asemi-airsystembytheleaf
springs andtension in the frontsprings.
If you it arear-only semi-air system
with individually adjustableairbags
you’ll beableto achieve alimited
amount of levellingcontrol, but this
will belimitedbyaxle extension
anddroop and the weight acting on
Ona previouscampervan Iowned,
which hadindividually adjustable semi-
air front andrear, I found that Icould
achieve alittle bitof levelling front to
rear, butonly a limited amount from
sideto side.
Overall, I’m abig fanof semi-air
(especially ontherear of a coachbuilt)
as it gives such an improvement in ride
quality andstability for themoney.
You canhavea full-air suspension
system– where theOEsuspensionis
replaced bya set-upthat canberaised
entirely byair– installed butyou needto
weighthebeneits against thecost and
this wouldnot beas eicient atlevelling
as a levellingsystemthatuses hydraulic
(or electric) ramsto level the’van.
Peter Rosenthal
Can air suspension improve the road holding
and also be used for levelling?