MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

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How can wefit a spare wheel

carrier to our motorhome?

Two years ago my wife and I purchaseda
Rapido 9094df on a 4,400kgchassis. It is
our first motorhomeand we have really
enjoyed ourfirst two years, especially
given thatwe have had MMMwith us the
whole way.
We chose the Rapido because the
layout is excellent for UKtouring as the
rear lounge is available at al l ti mes. The
storage andpayloa d areideal for us , as my
wife and I arekeen scuba divers. We enjoy
this in the UK,so sometimes we need t o
take lots (and I mean lots!) of kit with us.
The onething thatwas not ideal was
the provision of a spare wheel; there
wasn’t one suppli ed with the standard
van, only the much-maligned ‘Fix and Go’
kit, which I did not feel was sufficient.
We therefore purchaseda spare wheel
with the ’van when ordered. We were
rather surprised to find that the spare
wheel is a steel wheel andnot an alloy
to matchthe ot her wheels. It was also
suppli ed loose in the garage and not
attached to a carrier or underslung.
Given that the garage is criticalstorage
space for us,we really wanted the wheel
mounted or underslung.Rear- mounting is
not ideal for us because we carrybicycles
with us onmost trips.
There is a lot of free space under the
’van between the chassis legs where a
spare wheel could be mounted. I ha ve
found the Fiat spare wheel carrier and
purchased it f rom a genuine Fiat dealer
to avoid anyconcerns with the ‘pre -recall’
carriers found on eBay.
However, despite trying several
suppli ers, I ha ve not yet fo und anyone
able/willing to fabricate andattach the
necessary carryingframe tothe chassis.
Could the amazing techni cal c rew at
MMMcome to our rescueand suggest
a way of doing this or anypotentially
suitab le fabricators?
Paul & Susan Sanders, and Izzie the


I’m nofan of the aerosol repair
Carryinga steel spareis commonpractice
andless expensive, andthere is no weight
saving compared toanalloywheel. Asfor
mounting, asyou haveanAl-Kochassis
not aFiat, the only ix Ican suggest is to
contact Al-Koasit alsomanufactures
andsupplies a sparewheel carrier ( itted
byBailey) formotorhomes and tourers
which you maywishto takea lookat.
Alternatively, i nda localsteel fabricator
orcontact towbar/trailer manufacturers
on line. But becareful of the clearanceso
as not to damageyour double loor.
You mentionlots and lotsof kit and
this meansweight, docheck yourpayload
andrear axleweightremainswithinlegal
limits! Look online foryour local public
weighbridge andget the fully loaded’van
weighed before doing anything.
Terry Acreman

Clearance and not pu shing themotorhome
floor up if I do ground outwere the two
things I thought about. Yes, I have looked
at the Al-Ko spare wheel carrier forthe
caravan chassis, but Iwasn’t sure if it
would be strong enough. The spare wheel
for a4.5-metre chassis weighs30kg.What
does a caravan spare wheel weigh? I would
have assumed it would be less.
Paul Sanders

his could needcustom fabricationand
I’d Google ‘steel fabrication’andthen your
county. I’d suggest you use the original
Fiat chassis carrieryou already have–
that is designedto takethe weight of
the wheel – andget afabricatorto brace
across yourAl-Kochassis (whichwill
havelotsof existingholesin it thatyou
should beable to use) witha triangulated
steel frame.
Bear inmindthatsteel wheels use
diferentwheelbolts toalloys, soyou’ ll
need toget someof these (or swap it for a
matching alloy). Alloys tendto use thicker
spokesthansteel wheels sothereis rarely
muchof a weightdiference.he other
point to makeis that removingthe spare
wheel froman underslungcarrier is a
horrible job (youtry lifting 30kgupwhen
lying onyourbackat full stretch) andit’s
far more convenientto havea sparerear
orgarage-mounted if at all possible.
Peter Rosenthal


What are the correct
tyre pressures for my
Auto-Sleeper motorhome?

We have a 2016Auto- Sleeper Winchcombe
motorhome based on aMercedes-Benz
Sprinterand we need toknow the correct
tyre pressures forit.
We are about totravel to and around
France with a full load, andthe weather at
present is hot.
Our tyres are 235/65R 16CContin ental
Vanco FourSeason 2.
Pauline Day


Firstyou need toweigh your
motorhomeona weighbridgewhen
it is fully loadedwithall adults, kitand
bikes, etc,onboard.
First,weighit withjust frontaxle
on the weighbridge, then weighthe
motorhomewithbothaxleson the
weighbridge to make sure you arelegal on
See the underbonnetchassis plate
foryourvehicle’s axlelimits andthe
maximum overall weight.
hen sendtheseigures to Continental
[email protected]
If you donot havetime forthis,
thengowithMercedes’ recommended
pressure marked on the base vehicle (fully
laden), thenweigh it onreturnfor future
reference. It’s the driver’s responsibility to
staylegal onaxleweightandknow your
maximum allowed weights andthe weight
of your vehicle.
Terry Acreman

Manythanks for your help. We got in
touch with Continental and had an email
from TomaszWojciechowski. He was
very helpful and sent us a chart fora
motorhome, ourtyres andthe pressure
neededfor differentwei ght s, which
were not the same asthe manufacturer’s
plate. It was defi nitely worth getting our
motorhome, c alled Miss Daisy, weighed
and it cost us £9 forboth axles and a total
weight, including three certificates.
Pauline Day
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