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Space is at a premiumin most
motorhomes butit is beneficial that
dogs understandwhich space is theirs.
Our dogsknowthat the cabis their
space andweput aboardacross to
preventthemcoming intothe main
area.Theycould jumpthis, butthey
knownot to.
Toalleviate boredom inthe ’van,
games lik e hiding atreat forthe dogto
sniff out,orsimply a few toystoplay
withwill all help.
Wehavea list of all the necessary
things tobring –leads, leads for
outsidethe ’van,brush, towels,
beds, toys, dogbags, food, bowls,
medication,vet numbers, IDcollar, etc.
Inanideal sit uation, the dogs
would travel in acrate. However, our
motorhome wouldnot accommodate
that sowe use harnesses,with the
leads attached tothe seatbelts onthe
dinette seats. The dogsthentravel in
the areabetween the seats, with room
tolie down, butstill securely attached.
Werecently got a labradorpuppy,
Fernand, astheyseemtowriggle out
of most things, harnesses inparticular,
we havethe added precautionof
What I spent
How lngit tok
Project summary
We find harnesses, securedby strong
leads to a seatbelt, to be best when
travelling.The board separating the cab
from the rest ofthe motorhome is an
extra safetyfeature. Giving thedogsa
bed and some toys enablesthem to
settle quickly and quietly. Using
extending leads works outside andwe
always placewater within their reach.
Makingthe boardtook 30 minutes,
while fitting and securing theharness
takes around 10 minutes.
The wooden boardwe had already.
Fern’s harness and extending lead cost
£48. The cost of apet passport differs.
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placing aboardbetween the main
motorhomeandthe cab area.
Toexpect dogstotravel happily,
it is essential toexercisethem
adequately before andto ensure they
have hadthe opportunity todrink
water.Plentyof stops onthe way fora
drink, walk, playandperhaps asmall
amountof food, is vital.
If a dogtravelsbadly it is best
toavoid fooduntil the journeyis
complete, but putting insometoys
andchews, plusa familiar blanket
willhelp. Sometimes, pullingthe side
windowblindsdowncanalsohelp a
nervous dog.
Dogs areexcited to arriveandare
eager toexplore. Wefinda walk
aroundthe campsite, avisit tothe dog
walk areaand general familiarisation
helpstosettle the dogs.
Our dogs are attachedtoleads
outsidethe ’vanand, havingtwo dogs,
theycanget tangled up together,or
one gets a leg caught in a loop and
looks forlornly upat usuntil wecome
tountangle them.
Wesecurethe dogssotheycanlie
byeachother, buttheirleads are set
apart. Weoften have one onthe step
andone onthe tow ropeattachment.
Dogsshould never beleft secured
outsidethe ’vanunattended.
Onher first outing, our puppy
barkedwhenpeople approached –we
did not wanther todothis so, when
she wasquiet,wepraised her, gaveher
a treat andencouragedher to focus
onus. Now,at ninemonths old she
watches the goingson aroundher and
quietly wagsher tail at passers by.
þLeads, harnesses,extendingleads
þDog bags
þFood– tins/biscuits/treats
þTo ysand chews
Care needstobe taken when tethering the dogs outside toavoid tangles