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1515 Mercedes Autosleeper Burford
Duo 4-Berth 2.1 Diesel Automatic24,829 MILES
Full EndBeds, Middle Kitchen with a Full Cooker and Separate Grill,Washroom with Separate Shower, Toilet, 2 x Single
3 Gas Burners and 1x ElectricHot Plate, Microwave
1515 Fiat IH 630RL 2-Berth 2.3 150bhp
Rear LoungeONLY 4613 MILESVery Low Mileage
Rear Lounge MiddleThe Kitchen has a Full CookerWetroom witwith Separh Shower, Toilet, Oppositeate Grill, 3 x Gas
Burners, 1 x ElectricBurn er, 3 Way Fridge, Hot/ColdWater
1766 Fiat AutoTrail Imala 734 4-Berth
2.3 130bhp Diesel, Single BedsONLY 3457 MILES
Comes with Cab Air Con, Cruise Control,Reversing Camera, SwivelCab Seats, Overcab BedRemis Cab Blinds,. Half
Dinettewith 2 x 3 Point Seat Belts,Double Side Bench
1111 Mercedes IHTio M 2-Berth
2.2CDi Rear U Shaped Lounge
27,678 MILES
Lounge, Centre BathroomRear UShaped Lounge, Outside Acwith Toilet and Showercess to Storage Unde, Oppositre
Kitchen, 4x Gas Hob, Oven Grill, Fridge, Blown Air Heating
1464 Peugeot AutosleepersWarwick
XL 2-Berth 2.0HDi End Lounge
11,463 MILES
Size Bed, MiddleLarge Rear Lounge will MakeWashroom with Separate Sh2 x Single Beds orower, Toilet,King
Opposite the Kitchen hasOven/Grill,Fridge, Microwave
1717 Fiat AutoTrail Tribute T670
2.3 130bhp M/Jet Diesel2-Berth
12,917 MILES
Rear LoungeOpposite Kitchen with 3, Middle Bathroom with ShBurner Hob/Oven/ Grill, 3ower andToilet,Way
Fridge, 1/2Dinette with 2 xTravelling Seat Belts
2016 Fiat Pilote P710 Sensation 150BHP
2.3 Diesel French Bed, Side18,162 MILES Washroom
Cab AirSeats, Half Dinette With 2 x 3Con , Cruise Control,Reversing Camera, Swivel CaPoint Seat Belts, Side Benchb,
Kitchen With 1x Electric Hob, 2 x Gas Hob, Oven
Rear Bathroom Comprising2 Fixed Single Beds, Centre Kitchen with 3 x Gas Hob,Toilet and SeparateShower,
Grill Oven AndFridge,Double Drop DownBed OverLounge
1111 Volkswagen Autosleepers
Trident 2-Berth 2.0 Diesel16,376 MILES
Cab Air Con, CruiseControl, SwivelPassenger Seat,
ReversingFridge. Rock And Roll Bed, 2Sensors, Kitchenwith 2 x Gas Hobx 3-Point Seat Belts, Grill ,
1313 Fiat Burstner Ixeo 740 IT 4-Berth
2.3 150bhp Diesel, End31,384 MILESWashroom
1111 Fiat Autocruise Accent
3.0 Diesel Rear Lounge 2-Berth17,579 MILES
Cab AirCon, CruiseControl,ReversingCamera, Half Dinette
With 2Microwave,x 3-Point SeFridge.at Belts, Kitchen withWashroom: Toilet and Sh2 x Gas Hobower,
0757 Renault Hymer T676SL 2-Berth
Twin Single BedsEnd34,279 MILESWashroom
Full EndWashroom with Separate Shower, Toilet, Twin
SingleKitchen, 3Beds, Half Dinette, 2Burner Hob, Tec Tower with Oven and Grillx Travelling Seat Belts, Side
1010 Peugeot Autocruise Stardream
2-Berth 2.2 Diesel End Lounge31,683 MILES
Cab AirCon, CruiseControl,ReversingCamera, SwivelCab
Seats, Washroom wth1 x Electric Hob, 3x Gas HobToilet & Separate Sh, Oven and Grill,ower, Kitchen:Microwave
Cruise Control,Reversing Camera, Swivel Cab Seats,
BenchElectric Hob, 3Seats That Makex Gas HobInto A Double, Oven& Grill, Microwave,Bed, End KitchenFridge: 1 x
0808 Fiat Bessacarr E560 4-Berth
Fixed Corner Bed 3.0 160bhp Diesel
39,535 MILES
Fixed Corner Bed,Corner WashroomShower and Toilet,
2 Shortwith SeparFront Benches, Bothate Grill, LargeFront Seats SwivelFridge with Separate Freezer, Full Cooker
0707 Fiat AutoTrail Apache 634
Hi-Line 4-Berth 2.3 130bhp Diesel
33,547 MILES
Rear LShaped Lounge,Central Kitchen Comprising3 x Gas
and 1Opposite Bathroomx Electric Hob, Grill, Oven,fitted withFridge and MicrToilet and Shower.owave,
1414 Peugeot Elddis Accordo 105
2-Berth 2.2 HDi EndWashroom
29,529 MILES
Cab AirCon, CruiseControl, Swivel Cab Seats, Center
Oven/GrillLounge that, Fridge. End Washroom withmakes a Double Bed, Kitchen: 3Toilet and Showerx Ga s Hob,
0909 Fiat ChaussonWelcome 57Top
5-Berth 2.3 130bhp M/Jet Diesel
19,427 MILES
Rear Bunk Beds, Bottom Lifts UpFor Extra Storage, Large
Opposite is SmallOver CabBed, Half Dinnett WithBench whichhas a Rear Facing Se2 x Travelling Seat Belts,at Belt
Automatic £28,999
0808 Mercedes Autosleepers Devon
2.2 Diesel 2-Berth Front Lounge37,807 MILES
2 Berth Campervanwith Elevating Roof,Rock N Roll Bed,
Sink, 3 Way Fridge, Diesel He2 x Travelling SeatBelts, Side Kitchen With 2ating, Porta Potti, CabBurner Hob,Air Con.
1010 Fiat Devon Aztec 2-Berth
2.3 120bhp Diesel Rear Lounge
45,106 MILES
SwivelPassengerSeat, Kitchen: 4 x Gas Hob,Fridge, Oven
& Grill. WashroomBeds orLarge Double. Gas & Electric Heating &: Toilet &Shower, Rear Lounge: 2Hot Waterx Single
0909 Volkswagen AutosleepersTrooper
2 Berth 2.5 130BHP Diesel Automatic33,821MILES
1111 Fiat Swift Escpae 624 5-Berth
Low Mileage 2.2 100bhp M/Jet DieselONLY 20,645 MILES
Bathroom withRear Kitchen withToilet and3 x Gas Hob,Shower, Full Dinette, 2 xGrill Oven &Fridge, CorneTravellingr
Seatbelts,Opposite SideBench, OvercabDouble Bed
0808 Ford Carado T135 3-Berth 2.4
Diesel Fixed BedONLY 16,559 MILESVery Low Mileage
Cruise Control,with 2x 3-Point Seat Belts. Kitchen: 3 x Gas Hob,Rev. Camera, SwivelCab Seats, Half DinettOven ,e
Fridge. French Bed, CornerWashroom: Toilet and Shower
0909 Ford Dethleffs Sunlight A69
6-Berth 2.4TDCi Rear Bunk BedsONLY 29,109 MILES
with Lower Bunk thRear Bathroom:Toilet & Separat can Convertate Shower, Corner Bunksinto Storage with Outside
Access, Centre Kitchen: 3 x Gas Hob, Oven andFridge
0707 Ford Autosleepers Eton 2-Berth
2.4 TDCi Rear Kitchen Low MilesONLY 42,821 MILES
Rear KitchenWashroom with Separate Shower/, 4 Burner Hob, SeparateToilet, Front BenchGrill, Fridge,Corneres,
DieselHeating, GasHot Water, Awningand Bike Rack
1111 Citroen RomaHome R20
Compact 1560cc Diesel Low MilesONLY 30,885 MILES
1 Makes into a Rear2 Berth withCab Air Con, CruiseTravelling Seat withControl, 2Seat Belt. Kitchen:x Bench Seats,
2 x Gas Hob, Grill, Fridge.Porta Potti, ReversingSensors
Automatic One Owner
1767 Swift Escape Freestyle 685
6-Berth 2.3 M-Jet 130bhp Diesel
Rear UHob, Oven,Shaped Lounge, Centre KitchenGrill, Microwave andFridge Freezer , Oppositwith 3 Burber Gase
Bathroom withToilet and Shower, L ShapedDinette
Automatic Automatic
Automatic Automatic
Automatic Automatic