MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
24 2019

MMM’s team share the ups and downs of their motorhoming month

Our month


“It as nesuchtrip to the Cotsolds thatbrught

a sparkle backto beingalive”

Terry AcremanTech Help Editor

After being unenthusiastic aboutmost thingsfor
a while, achangeof medication and a campervan
outingdid really workwonders!
MMM often hasfeaturesof farawaylocations
but,fascinatingastheymost certainly are, Great
Britainhas muchto ofer, beit coast orcountry. It
wasone suchtrip to the Cotswolds that brought
a sparkle back tobeingalive.
Along with the LakeDistrict,welovethe
Cotswolds with its rollinghills, honey-colouredcottagesin quaint
picturesque villagesand, in particular, Broadway, said to bethe Jewel of
the Cotswolds.
heGloucestershire WarwickshireHeritage Railwaynow steamspast
the excellentBroadwayCaravan andMotorhome Clubsite, plusthis
ofersthe chanceforsuperbshopping withmanyattractions soclose by.
BroadwayTower, a Georgian folly, standsatopFishHill, plusthere’s
the National Trust’s Snowshill Manor. Onthis visit wefoundthe
delights of the Cotswold Lavender Farm. Apparently just in time, awash
withcolourthey will soonbeharvested fortheir oil, which is usedin so
For families, Bourton-on-the-Water and Cotswold FarmParkare a
must, the latter hometoCountryi lepresenter, AdamHenson. here is
something of interest forall: tractor rides and rare breed animals, while
a massive investmenthas beenmade to the visitorcentre andfull
facility touring site. here wassimply too much to tackle foranextra-
long weekend, butthe sun shone and soall is well!


“Wewentfromthe heady scentof

flowers insummery Provence to the

icy blasts ofwintry alpinewinds”

Rachel StothertDeputy Editor

Atthe recentHymer
launch, the company
tooka novel approach
to launching its
motorhomes. here
wasnobig powerpoint
(well, there was alittle
Instead, we were ushered in small groups
into curtained ofrooms, eachfocusingon
one of the new 2020models.
henew T-Class waspresented irst in a
room illed withlavender withpurple-tinged
lights. hen, we wentfromthe heady scentof
lowersin summery Provence to the icy
blastsof wintry alpinewinds inthe blinkof
aneye.he Exsis was dressedto showice on
the windows, withanair-con unit providing
the cool air.
And it could havegone really badly inthe
Free600 Sroom, where the new Mercedes
campervan wassurrounding bywhat looked
likerocks. However, wesoonrealisedthese
were actually squishy cushionsthat were an
incredible likeness of a pieceof stone.
It was anunusual wayto presentthe new
models, butit really did workwell.
Checkoutthe newsfor abrief snippet of
Hymer’s launchesbut,to get all the details,
lookout forthe supplementthat will befree
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