226 outandaboutlive.co.ukSeptember 2019
Funny, poignant or annoyed – tell readers about your motorhoming
experiences and you could earn £80 motorhome.ma/myviews
We bought our motorhome four
years ago, when I was ju st six
years old.
My dad described it as ‘like camping
but without the misery’, which sounded
good to me.
Onething thatis miserable,
though, is the c razy stress before we go onholiday – cramming
everything into bags andgetting up before the sun’s bothered
to rise. henwe set ofon a BORING journey where Iplay on
my tablet, Colin (our motorhome) rattles andmy mum anddad
repeatedly tell me to stop playing o n my gadget and look out of
the window, which is almost always a view of a road –wow! Big
deal! A road!
Even though the start is boring,we inally get to a Brit St op or
a campsite. I usually seemy two cousins, who ha ve a motorhome
as well.
he last time I sawthem, their dad bet them £100 each that
they couldn’ t cycle up the massive hill to the campsit e at Mow
Cop without stopping. He now has £200less than he used to.
Anyway, we have lots of toys I can play with at the campsit es.
In a campsite in Germany, everyone crowded aroundthe
WiFi hut! We had apitch that overlo oked the ri ver – the Rh ine
IonaFisher offers a child’s
view of motorhoming
My view...
- andwhen we were there, there was this festiv al called ‘Rhine
in Flammen’. We went to it, an d there were all these coolred
efects, which madethe ri ver lo ok like it was on ire (did you
guess what the Rh ine in Flammen means?) and a irework
display. h e fo od I was made toeat was absolutel y horrible but
overall it was a good experience.
So, it’s usually fun andwe always go tocoolplaces.
When it’s night, I ti me my dad makingup my bed, which is a
double. My parents sleep in the back i n singlebunks, wherea s I
get all the room. Ha!
Onenight when we were a way, Colin’s battery wentlat when
we were sleeping and,boy, can Itell you how manyblankets we
piled up on ourbeds in the morning (clue: more than one).hat
was in Scotland.
Oneword for Scotland: midges.he mounting hysteria as we
grab pieces of kitchen roll to decapitate them while dad go es
round spraying his deodorant in all of the air vents because we
don’t have anything else andall the ti me heis shouti ng things
you do n’t want to know.
Did I mention we did this all in the dark as putting lightson
would attract more?
hankfully, it is usually for only one ortwo nightsas everyone
in Scotland is probably praying forwind.
I’m sorry Scotland; Ididn’t mean to ofend you. You ha ve
some great places (a shout out tothe Isle of Mull where my
grandparents live) thatwe like visiting and other countries have
bug proble ms, too. You do n’t ha ve to fee l bad about it.
Our motorhome is a Ba iley Approach Autograph 750 andmy
cousins’ is a Rimor Europea NG5. Sorry about boring you – dad
said you might be inte rested. Exaggeration on the might.
Anyway, you might be wonderingwhy ourmotorhome i s
called Colin. Well, in Marks andSpencer, there is this birthday
cake thatI like called ‘Colin the ca terpillar’.
Don’t seethe relevance? Well our motorhome is long, like
a ca terpillar andslow, like a ca terpillar. Now thatI thinkof it,
the skylig hts onColin kindof look like the smarties on top of
the ca ke...
Overall, Colin is great: he has aspecia l cu pboard for
chocolate and crisps, se cret spaces under the stair s and acool
toothbrush holder thingy. I gi ve motorhoming a 10 outof
10 and around of applause!