MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 59

of cafés (a winebar, even), andis spliced by
the Leeds-Liverpool canal.
Fromthere the wayonwards wasalong
thecanal towardsWigan andthen upFairy
Glen. Fromthere the pathreturnstothe hill
and ultimately back toCharity Farm.
It wasn’t asfar asI thought, at about
eight miles, but averyvaried and lovely day.
FairyGlen is somethingof a small scenic
treasure, andit wassmothered in bluebells
andwild garlic whenwepassedthroughin
early May, butwillbejust asappealing in
autumnwhenthe waterfalls willbe running
a bitharder under the goldencanopy.
If you’re thinkingCharity Farmis a place
you could love, the cycling hereabouts, o n
the lanes, andthe towpathof the canal, is a
complete joy.
Wigan ain’t sofar awayalongthe canal,
either, andwelovegoingtoWigan just to
listen tonatives talk.
Ten miles fromhome, andtheyhavea
totally differentaccent.
Sothat wasCharity Farm. Ithought it
hadbeenwell worthwhile, andwe may doit
again. The ladyfuminggently in mylifegave
it a sort-ofgrudgingthumbs-up, butstill
carried aconfusedlookaboutthe notionof

being onholiday eight miles fromhome.
After that stroll across Harrock Hill, and
gazing over atthe nearbyWest Pennine
Moors, it wastherewe were headednext.
The plan wasto goandstayat Wilcocks
This would place usagain, abouteight
milesfromhome, but in aplace we have
trodden onextensively over the years.
Only onday trips,though, and this little
excursionwasaboutbeingthere tosleep,
andfeel that we’d lived there, if briefly.
Bonkers, I know, butthereweare.
Westrolled up toRivingtonPikethrough+

Wedrove from home near Leyland to CharityFarmat
Wrightington, then via Rivington andBelmont to
Darwen before going back home.Wespent four nights on
sites and one night wild camping

FuelAverage –not recorded but probably
around 35mpg.............................................................................................£6
Total costs.............................................................................................£70



ABOVEIndia Mill in Darwen
and itsawesome 300ft tall
FAR LEFTEarly summer,or
latespring on Harrock Hill;
Darwen Tower
BELOWVeryquaint footpath
signon Darwen Moor
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