September 71
of Barcis, we cycled to the old road (now
closed to traffic) that cuts thro ugh the
gorge. Visitors pay a few euro and are given
a hard hat to protect them from falling
rocks fr om the un stable overhanging cliffs.
The translucent turquoise Cellina torrent
thunders between sculptedroc ks below the
road and Iwimped outof crossing it via the
Himalayan-style suspension bridge.
After a picturesque dr ive through alpine
valleysabove rushing blue rivers and below
steep wooded slopes and craggy limestone
summits, we reached the stunningVajont
valley in the Friuli Dolomites Region al
Natural Park, ourfinal and most remarkable
discovery from the nature re serves guide.
In October 1963the side of Monte Toc
slid into the reservoir behind the massive
Vajont Dam, crea ting a colossal wave that
breachedthe dam, the water flooding down
the va lley below killing around 2,000people.
Walking under the precipitous mountain,
still denuded of trees, today this is a
beautifulplace with wil d flowers and views
to the pretty villa ge of Casso clingingto the
mountainside, butthe shadow of that tragic
night lingers. The town of Longarone was
destroyedby the human-made tsunami.
Rebuilt, it has a museum tothe disaster
with appalling photo graphs of the va lley
scouredof life and buildingsand a lo ng list
of victim s’ names.
Today, Longarone badge s itself Città
del Gelato (city of ice c ream) as, f or over
50 years, a large ice crea m trade fair has
been held here in December. Somewhat
emotional af ter the museum, Inevertheless
set off in search of ice crea m and we found
a char ming gelateria to indulge in superb
Italian gelato.
We left Friuli Venezia Giulia, slow ly
heading west and nearer tothe Bedolina
Map. We walked the 13km(eight miles)
circuit of Lago di Corlo in a thunderstorm
and drove the switchback road over the
1,984m (6,509ft)Passo di Rolle on a showery
day when we could only imagine the
specta cularviews.
Finding better weather andan idyll ic
campsite in agreen va lley near Predazzo+
ABOVEBrescia’s sixteenth
century clock hastwo
figures called ‘Macc de le
ure’ (the crazy hours)
INSETMountain streams
rush throughPonte di Legno
Lago di Cavazzo
Ponte di Legno
› ›
We entered Italy at Gorizia and exited at Montgenèvre,
spending 21days exploring in May and June. Over the
entire trip from Salford we drove 4,236miles
FuelAverage 34mpg, Italy only (€41)....................................£37.63
Site fees(€323.20)........ ...............................................................£296.64
TollsAutostrada Lake Iseo-Torino (€39.80)........................£36.53
EntryfeesTwo adults: CellinaGorge, Geoparc,
ArchaeologicalPark of Seradina-Bedolina, Santa
GiuliaMuseum (€46)........................................................................£42.22
Public transportTwo adults: ferry to MonteIsola;
return train Iseo-Brescia (€26.20)............................................£24.04
Total costs.......................................................................................£437.06
“We rested at apicturesquehut in
meadows dotted with brightgreen larch
trees and views tojaggedsnowy peaks”