74 outandaboutlive.co.ukSeptember 2019
a city perfect for sauntering from one
impressive square tothe next.
Wewere keen tovisit the Santa Giulia
Museum andspenthoursin this large
andcomplex monasterysite with three
churches. The self-guidedtourhelps visitors
makesense of the site’s history while
wandering atyourown pace.
There are dazzlingandcolourful frescoes,
a Romanesque cryptand Renaissance
cloisters, all enhanced withsuperbandwell-
placedmodern sculptures.
Villas fromRoman Bresciawere
excavated inthe monasterygarden and
we admiredthe mosaicsand walls from
walkways. Artefacts andworks of art from
Roman toVe netianperiods of Brescia’s
history are displayed; there’s something
foreveryone’s interest, includingthe
magnificentRomanlife-size wingedVictory
statuedisplayingthe richpatina of ancient
bronze. Makesure you leave enoughtimeto
fu lly explorethis remarkable museum.
Ona sunnymorning wecaught the ferry
fromIseotoPeschiera Maraglio onMonte
Isola, a verdant hilly islandin LakeIseothat
combinescharmingred-roofed towns with
olive treesand anattractiveshoreline.
Wewalkedthe seven-milecircumference
of the islandonthe narrow roadthat is
usedbyeveryone: islanders onscooters
and three-wheeledPiaggioApes(based
ona Ve spa scooter), cyclists, the busand a
Bythe lakewewatched grebescarrying
chicks ontheir backsandspotted red-
crested pochards. Wehad coffeehigh
abovethe lakein Menzinoandexplored
the medieval narrowstreets of Siviano,the
island’s capital.
Wethen crossednorthernItaly to
Franceonthe autostradathe next day. Our
lackof planninghadresultedin aperfect
trip,thankstosomeuseful tourist guides,
recommendations andgoodcampsites.
This part of northern Italy hadgot under
myskin. Wehadfound anabundance of
beback, withorwithout a plan.
Belvedere Pineta CampingVillage,
Belvedere Grado
Camping Lago 3 Comuni, Alesso
Area Sosta, Barcis
)0039 42 77630^0
CampingVillage Lago Arsiè, Arsiè
Isola is easy to reachby
ferry; The market at Iseo
sells lots oftempting
cheese; The translucent
turquoise of Cornino Lake
As this is a long list, we’ve abbreviated the information below.Toget allthe details of
addresses, open datesandprices, just go to motorhome.ma/MMMItaly19
CampingValle Verde, Predazzo
Area Sosta, Ponte di Legno
Camping & Chalet Presanella,
Ponte di Legno
Camping Covelo, Iseo