September 79
Germany TRAVEL
was also embraced by the British painter,
JMW Turner, in the early nineteenth century
and he sketched and painted many scenes
here. Three-quarters-of-a-mile downstream
from the site is one of these, the ruins of
Burg Rheinfels, perched atop rocky cliffs.
It’s a pleasant riverside walk from the
site to St Goar, passing boarding points for
the many cruisers taking day passengers
through the 30-mile gorge. We explored
the ruins of Burg Rheinfels, which grew
rich and powerful by levelling high taxes
on all passing river traffic – a very lucrative
business. Then along came Napoleon and,
rather than suffer a siege and the expense of
warfare, the leaders surrendered, Napoleon
marched in and blew up the castle!
Pa ulKnight...
is retired and he and wife,
Lizzie, enjoy exploring Europe
while,Paul says, “There’s still
plenty in the tank!”
2016 ChaussonWelcome
- Our second Chausson is
very comfortable, handles very
well and, with theFord Transit
155bhp engine, there’s plenty
of power. The large garage
accommodates our electric
bikes securely
Opposite the campsite, the Siren sits
near the Loreley rocks. Legend tells that the
siren would call sailors to their doom by
combing her long blonde hair and singing
beguiling songs. Distracted, the sailors
would steer their boats onto the rocks and
drown. Fortunately, the sailors of today are
made of sterner stuff and passengers aboard
the enormous river cruisers can sip their
Riesling in safety astheyadmire the statue.
We rode south along the dedicated, flat
cycle path to the picture-postcard towns of
Oberwesel and Bacharach. Here we found
classic half-timbered houses, ‘winestubs’
and windowboxes of red geraniums.
We crossed the Rhine by ferry in St Goar
to walk up past Burg Katz, which stands+
withviews to the town
and his mother
Keep plenty of cash handy as
many campsites and
attractions accept payment in
cash only
Takean extension cablefor
electric hook-up as some
sites have very widely spaced
power bollards