2019-08-01 Cook\'s Country

(Amelia) #1



PASTA SALAD IS a summertime
staple. It’s perfect for those blistering
days and sticky nights when you need a
quick, cool meal that is light but satis-
fying. I wanted to make a hearty, tasty
version that functioned as a complete
meal, but it had to be easy—both to
make and to clean up.
For many of us, a meal isn’t
complete without a protein, and
quick-cooking chicken breasts made
sense here. I started by gently poaching
three boneless, skinless breasts in water
in a Dutch oven; when the chicken was
just cooked through, I transferred it to
a plate to cool. Shallow-poaching the
chicken in just 2 cups of water (fl ipping
it halfway through) saved time and
cooked it quickly yet gently. I then
tried cooking the pasta in the poaching
water, but the chicken had made the
water a little cloudy and funky and it
just didn’t look right. So I dumped that
idea (and the murky poaching water)
and cooked 2 cups of fusilli in fresh
water that I salted as usual to season
the pasta.
One important step was to overcook
the pasta. I know what you’re thinking:
Overcook it on purpose? Yes, because
cooked pasta fi rms up and dries out
when it cools. Overcooking it ensures
that its texture will be just right once
it’s cool (see “Yes, Overcook It”).
Knowing that I wanted a nice
variety of vegetables in the dish—it’s
a salad, after all—I threw some fresh
green beans into the pot with the pasta
for the last 5 minutes of cooking. In
addition to the perfectly crisp-tender
green beans, I tossed a few handfuls of
peppery arugula and a heap of halved
grape tomatoes into the mix once the
pasta had cooled, providing a burst of
fresh, summery fl avor and bright color.
Now I needed a punchy dressing
to add deep seasoning and tie all the
elements together. Using extra-virgin
olive oil as a base, I tested various
vinegars; my tasters preferred the
bold, clear tang of red wine vinegar.

Red pepper fl akes turned up the heat,
and fresh garlic and minced anchovies
provided depth and complexity. A per-
sonal favorite ingredient—pickled hot
Italian peppers, chopped fi ne so they’d
integrate seamlessly—added another
level of liveliness and interest.
The salad was tasting pretty good,
but I wanted something with salty
punch to take it over the top. “Feta,”
suggested one colleague. “Olives,”
lobbied another. Why not both? Deli-
cious. A few fi nal details: So that the
recipe would come together quickly,
I made the dressing while the chicken
was cooling and the pasta was cooking.
Seeing an opportunity to deepen the
fl avors, I tossed the halved grape to-
matoes, olives, and pepperoncini right
into the dressing to marinate while the
pasta cooked.
This spicy, savory, and bright pasta
salad has it all. Plus, it’s a fast and easy
enough meal for even the hottest sum-
mer night.

A happy jumble of potent ingredients makes this hearty salad sing.



Brightly seasoned

chicken, pasta, cheese,

and vegetables—all

cooked in one pot for

easy cleanup.

by Cecelia Jenkins

Serves 4 to 6
Poaching the chicken in a very small
amount of water reduces the cooking
time and yields better chicken fl avor.
The pasta fi rms as it cools; overcooking
it ensures the proper texture. If the salad
is not being eaten right away, don’t add
the arugula until right before serving.

Table salt for cooking chicken
and pasta
3 (6- to 8-ounce) boneless, skinless
chicken breasts, trimmed
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup red wine vinegar
2 anchovy fi llets, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
¼ teaspoon red pepper fl akes
10 ounces grape tomatoes or 12 ounces
cherry tomatoes, halved
½ cup pitted kalamata olives, halved
½ cup fi nely chopped pepperoncini
6 ounces (2 cups) fusilli
8 ounces green beans, trimmed
and cut into 2-inch lengths
2 ounces (2 cups) baby arugula
4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled (1 cup)

  1. Bring 2 cups water to boil in Dutch
    oven. Stir in 2 tablespoons salt. Add
    chicken, reduce heat to medium, cover,
    and simmer until chicken registers
    160 degrees, 12 to 15 minutes, fl ipping
    chicken halfway through cooking.
    Transfer chicken to platter and tent
    with aluminum foil. Discard cooking
    water. Bring 4 quarts water to boil in
    now-empty pot.

  2. Meanwhile, whisk oil, vinegar,
    anchovies, garlic, and pepper fl akes
    together in large bowl. Add tomatoes,
    olives, and pepperoncini to dressing
    and toss to combine; set aside.

  3. Add pasta and 1 tablespoon salt to
    boiling water and cook, stirring occa-
    sionally, until pasta is tender, about
    12 minutes (do not drain). Add green
    beans to boiling pasta and continue to
    cook until pasta is very soft and green
    beans are bright green and just tender,
    about 5 minutes longer. Drain pasta
    and green beans in colander and rinse
    under cold water until chilled. Drain
    well and transfer to bowl with dress-
    ing mixture.

  4. Cut chicken into 1-inch cubes. Add
    chicken, arugula, and feta to pasta mix-
    ture and toss to combine. Season with
    salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

Salad can be made without arugula
and refrigerated for up to 2 days. Add
arugula and toss just before serving.

Yes, Overcook It
If you cook pasta according to the
package directions—only until it is
al dente—the resulting chilled pasta
salad will be tough and rubbery. This
is because as pasta cools, it goes
through a process called retrogra-
dation, in which the water in the
pasta becomes bound up in starch
crystals, making the pasta fi rm and
dry. To combat this, we boil the pasta
for an extra 3 minutes or so, until
it’s supersoft; during cooling, the
retrogradation tightens up the pasta
to the proper soft, but pleasantly
chewy, texture.
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