Cyber Defense Magazine – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

In Defense of Cyber Offense

By Mark Cassetta, Senior Vice President of Strategy, Titus

In recent years, cyber defense technologies have evolved quickly to help businesses protect their
networks, restrict access and prevent data loss. And the market has certainly seen a lot of positive strides.
But what if we thought about it differently? What if you begin to leverage all the principles you’ve used in
our defensive data security strategies to help your business take a more proactive, offensive approach?
Essentially, what if we thought about a cyber offense instead of a cyber defense?

Some data security tools and technologies can actually provide better visibility into your day-to-day
business and help you uncover the value of all that data you’ve been protecting. In fact, taking a more
offensive approach can ultimately lead businesses down a path toward greater efficiency, new ideas and

Take machine learning, for example

Organizations have embraced the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in data analytics
and data management for many years now to great effect. Why not also apply these technologies in our
approach to data security to extract similar business value?

Many data protection tools, used defensively, help you identify and catalog the information in your

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