The Guitar Magazine – September 2019

(Nandana) #1


Martin GPCPA4 £1,849, Waterloo WL-14X Mahogany £2,199,
Guild M-20E £1,599

A characterful instrument that bucks
8 /10 convention in pursuit of tonal goodness

Taylor confirms the spruce and mahogany
tops at this end of the range are thicknessed
and braced to the same measurements
regardless of which wood is used, perhaps
something of a missed opportunity.
Things improve dramatically with the
application of a plectrum. The soundboard
springs into life, revealing a very different
character. Mahogany-topped guitars have
often found favour in the hands of blues
players and while this guitar can certainly
snarl and grunt with the best of them,
there’s more to it than that.
Wide-voice open-string textures and
close-harmony jazz chords come through
clearly, with an encouraging degree of
sustain along the entirety of the fretboard
and even past the body join. There’s a
compressed quality to the strummed
attack as you dig in more forcefully and
the ‘sweet spot’ scale length keeps things
clear and tight with impressive note
separation throughout.
As you might expect, the 322ce really
does shine when plugged in. The ES2

pickup system (Taylor’s in-house design)
proves more than up to the task of
providing an expressive amplified voice,
with very little tweaking needed. The guitar
also proves admirably resistant to feedback,
something we ascribe to its smaller size as
much as to the V-Class bracing.
It’s always tempting to wonder about the
thought process behind a particular model.
And given that much of the more
conventional range of the sonic spectrum
will be covered by its spruce and sapele
sibling, it’s just as tempting to believe
that Andy Powers’ end goal for the 322ce
was to create smooth-voiced instrument
that growls when you hit it. If, as we
suspect, that is the case, then it’s mission
accomplished once again!

The headstock’s
striking stripe
of orange and
black ebony

for the fretting hand, dedicated fingerstylists
might prefer a touch more ‘meat’ in the
first position.
The Grand Concert body fits snugly
against the player and the satin finish not
only feels comfortable, but also keeps body
rubs and extraneous noise to a minimum

  • a real bonus for the sensitively mic’d
    recording guitarist.
    With the 322ce in standard tuning, we
    open up its tonal possibilities with some
    exploratory fingerstyle and are greeted
    by a warm, friendly voice, albeit one that’s
    slightly subdued. A smaller soundboard
    often translates into an immediate sense
    of presence due to the speed of movement.
    However, in this case, the playing
    experience is a lot mellower with a gentle
    sound and balanced timbral spectrum that
    leans towards the mids while smoothing off
    the trebles and upper-partial overtones.
    The bass register is focused and underpins
    fingerstyle work effectively, but we are left
    with the impression that the soundboard
    might be a little over-built for fingers.


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