The Guitar Magazine – September 2019

(Nandana) #1


ith lunchbox-sized amps and
effects-pedal miniaturisation
being very much on trend in
recent years, it’s no surprise
the modelling world is also watching its
waistline. Enter the powerful yet dainty
Mooer Preamp Live: a feature-laden digital
modeller in stompbox form. No bigger than
a paperback and weighing in at just over
one kilogram, it’s obviously been designed
with portability and pedalboards in mind.
When connected to the Mooer Studio
software editor, the Preamp Live features
over 50 preamps, all based on a wide range
of famous amps, from well-known classics
to present-day boutique circuits. A dozen of
these amp models are accessible at any one

time when loaded into the banks A, B, and
C of the unit. Each bank has four patches
and each patch can be accessed via the
unit’s quartet of footswitches.
Patch modifications can be made either
by using the physical controls on the front
panel – which give access to EQ staples
such as treble, bass, and presence – or for
more in-depth changes, you can connect
via Bluetooth and, using an impressively
simple interface, edit settings using your
smartphone. So far, so modern.

The Preamp Live can be used in a variety
of different ways: integrated with your amp
via the four-cable method, direct into a PA,

or even hooked up to both amp and PA at
once, with a cab-simulated DI running from
the XLR output and the preamp signal
with cab sim disabled routed to your amp’s
effects return.
As we’re currently tracking guitars for an
album using Axe-Fx and Kemper profiles,
we choose to evaluate the Preamp Live’s
tones by going direct to DAW. There’s a
wide variety of cabinets, power amps and
mic models from which to choose and
you can even upload your own impulse-
response cab sims via Mooer Studio. We
head for the heavy profiles and load into the
bank a patch modelled on a Peavey 5150.
While the depth and tonal nuances aren’t
quite as detailed as you might expect from
the higher-end digital modellers, we still
hear an eminently faithful reproduction of
the 5150’s trademark growl, tautness and
attack, providing a great platform for metal-
infused playing.
Some of the more vintage-style mid-
gain and clean sounds seem initially to lack
clarity and depth, but this has a lot to do



Does this affordable, pedalboard-friendly digital modeller
have the features and tones to scare the competition?


Free download pdf